The Old Dog Asks: How Can Artists Sell Their Work?

To Sell it People Have to See it!

Do the upscale offices and studios of Doctors, Dentists and Financial services offer artists an opportunity?

I have a relative of mine who is a very talented artist. He has done all kinds of schooling in fine arts and he works at it with great passion. It's been a tough go to make a living and he's often had to take on other jobs. It seems to me that one of the problems that artists have is getting their work in front of the "right" eyes.

More established artists may manage to have a showing in a gallery but this is no easy task for a newer artist.

This colorful piece adorned what otherwise would have been a much starker environment! All photos by @kus-knee

Although this area of the office has windows not much light enters and the painting offers a brighter reception!

Could The Offices of Doctors Lawyers and Financial Institutions Hold The Key?

Today, while doing some work for a dentist in Lugano I admired some of the art that he had on the wall. The art work changes regularly and there is a price list for the pieces on display in the waiting room.

I know that at least some pieces do sell because about a year ago I saw a piece that I liked and was looking to purchase it for @lellabird as an anniversary gift. After consulting the price I expressed my interest in the painting but I was told: "I'm sorry, it's already sold!

Location, Location Location!

The expression location, location, location is usually applied to real-estate but in the case of art it needs to capture the eyes of those that not only appreciate it but can afford it! In this case the Dental office in question is the the wealthiest area of Lugano and caters to posh clients.

The view from all but one of the dental studios looks directly onto the lake. Would this put you in a buying mood?

Maybe not while your teeth are being drilled or pulled out!

Here is Some More of The Work That Was on Display

This piece is about 1 meter long, is hung in the hallway and lit form above.

This was my favorite piece although I didn't get a good shot of it.

I like the different shades of blue in this painting.

This painting also added color and interest to the hallway!

The artist is obviously fascinated with swirls!

What Are The Advantages of This Type of Gallery?

  • The artist gets a place to show their work
  • The office gets free decoration that they can change form time to time
  • The work is put before the eyes of those with the means to purchase it
  • The artist can leave their business cards and other sales material in the office

What Are The Disadvantages of This Type of Gallery?

  • There is a lot of work involved in delivering and displaying he work
  • The customers have not gone to a gallery "looking" to make a purchase
  • There is no salesperson there to prod the curious customer into making a purchase.

Does This Type of Gallery Actually Work?

Depending on the location and the type of clientele or patients it could work rather well. Here is the link to an article that I found which debates the usefulness of this type of display.

What Has Your Experience Been?

  • Have you ever seen art for sale in this type of setting?
  • Have you ever purchase art work in this type of setting?
  • If you're an artist would you consider using these offices as a gallery?
  • As an artist have you made any sales this way?

I hope that you enjoyed this article which asks: " How Can Artists Sell Their Work?"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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