International blockchain comic artwork!

Greetings, @hiveio! I’ve been in front of my tiny little e-ink screen, typing away all day. Some of the work I do lends itself well to posting here on our platform. For example, some things are a force multiplier, and make it very enticing to spend my time on. If I edit photography, I’m most likely already paid for those shoots. To post here on @hiveio, I’m earning posting rewards, and if I get really stand out images, I can also share some of them on my Patreon. Getting paid three times for the same work is the only way to have a sustainable living as a freelance artist.

What I’ve realized is, writing is not that…at all. I mean, maybe one day, but right now, no one is paying me for my writing. Also, it takes up far more time than editing photos, and leverages a lot more brain power. Once I’ve taken photos, it’s kind of brainless work to sit and retouch and paint in Photoshop. Writing takes everything I have, from imagination, to creativity, to discipline to make myself sit in that damn chair. It’s really hard. I don’t know how @tarazkp and @ericvancewalton do it, but I want to do it, too. That I’m sure. I’m doing it because it’s difficult.

I wanted to share some new crypto artwork I did recently. As many of you know, I’m the in house artist at @eos.detroit. My hope, whether it was with Steemit […back in the day], EOSIO, @hiveio or any project I’m invested in, I wanted to infiltrate the space with captivating art as a way of bringing non-blockchain people in to the fold. @cypherglass and @eos.detroit teamed up with @pixeos to release an anniversary EOSIO art NFT and physical print. This was a really cool project to work on and I kept thinking, “IT’S ALIVE!”, with the “go/no go” vote in 2018.

I started working on a piece that was more or less, an homage to the legendary Frankenstein series by Bernie Wrightson. I love all of the work in that collection, and I thought this would be great. We hid six EOSIO project logos within the work, and had followers on Twitter guess them to win the NFT’s and some EOS. I wish I had more time and focus during this, but it was in the midst of the Minneapolis riots and unrest, which made it very difficult to get more than an hour or so in before having to protest, or protecting our home.

All in all, I’m really happy with how it turned out. The final work was sent along to @pixeos and @cypherglass. We also released variants for the Chinese and Korean EOSIO communities. Just like the work I did with the @eos.detroit Proxy Prospectus, I love finishing design and illustration and translating it, knowing that it’ll be enjoyed by audiences all over the world. I wasn’t able to release this artwork until the contest wrapped up. Thanks for reading. For more artwork and the stories on how it came to be, follow me here at @kommienezuspadt!

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