Making a CARD GAME!!!

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A little over 2 years ago, a group of great guys contacted me because they had an idea, they wanted to develop a family card game based on llamas as the main characters, I loved the idea and got down to work creating designs for the game.

The first thing I did was sketch the first ideas for the characters, the guys had the idea that some of the cards and llamas were based on famous people from pop culture or historical figures.

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I make the sketches digitally, with my digitizing table, I always use the “sai Paint tool” program, it is very easy to use and perfect for sketching.

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After finishing the sketches I sent them to the guys and after their approval I began to apply color and details to all the characters and backgrounds.

It is a process that takes time, since some details, poses, clothes, even change the backgrounds must always be changed so that everything looks better.


After I finished my design part, the guys edited and printed the cards to later sell them through a kickstarter project.


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