🎨Art Deco lady/ watercolor portrait

Story with romantic looks of my watercolor ladies continues.
It's interesting how I was pulled easily into this story. And it all started as a simple play, to make a break from large scale watercolors I went in.

And now those large one are pushed aside and this story got my full attention.


And as in several previous ones



Story continues in almost same way, bit of pencil work and than playing with colors and large amounts of water.


There is something in learning how to control all that things melting on paper, having free will..It's like you are making new friendship and than trying to understand persons likes and dislikes.


Also, with each new work, story is getting new moments, filling with details and things kept somewhere in corners of your mind.
Seeing works made by other artists,those artworks you like, they stay in some deep corner of your mind and than just pop-out on paper in some new way.


Looks it was same case here, like Alphonse Mucha and Gustav Klimt visited this peace and let me express their style in watercolor dancing on paper.


Journey continues and more pieces are on the way, and if you like them, be free to comment. It's interesting hearing how you see water-ladies

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