Climbing Castles

Mermaid Party Time?

The best way to buried treasure is through the heart of the King, over a castle, through storms, towards rainbows, for the sake of hope over dope, joy over circumstances, because aint nothing better with oatmeal.

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Archive My Art, My Drawings

Here is some of my art, my drawings, and some math, mostly from my own collection, but some of it may have been drawn by my siblings or by friends, mostly from when I was nine years old in 1994 in Oregon, when I was drawing castles, and some of it may go as far back as maybe around 1991 when I was drawing Indians.

Power Rangers

Blue and pink people, maybe Power Rangers.
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Original Oatmeal Power Rangers villains
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Hybrid lion eagle fly reptile creature
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Crab Lobster monster
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The big bad wolf.
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Pepe Frog

The Frog man may have been an original Oatmeal Power Rangers bad guy. But then again, he looks too happy to be a bad guy. Maybe he's Kermit or Pepe.

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Maybe my younger sister, Crystal, drew this creature.
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Crystal may have drawn this Pac-Man Girl as well.
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Drawing Castles

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Began drawing castles, especially when I was nine in 1994.
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Castle door.
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Abraham Lincoln Penny.
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Close-up on the penny.
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A house and some pennies or something.
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Trade between America and Japan.
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Maybe a dinosaur horse like Yoshi.
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Home Alone 2, Lost in New York

A boy is holding a newspaper with a scared Statue of Liberty and a mug shot of a person with the words, "Her." That might be short for the name of the one bandit from those films.

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Dog and a dog house.
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The dog outside.
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Maybe Indians
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Learning Mathematics

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Begin learning some math, some subtraction (-), addiction (+), around the age of six, in 1991, in Oregon, and double digit multiplication(x), division (/), more so when I was nine years old in 1994.

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Kumon Math

Was in Kumon Math in the early 90's for a few years & began getting faster in their competitions, games, the homework, the flash cards, where you are timed as you answer all the math questions on the page. Great progress map. Nice stars, stickers for succeeding.

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Running Man

Drew this when I was maybe six years old in 1991.

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Climbing Castles

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Published in August of 2018

2018-08-10 Friday 12:46 PM LMS | Climbing Castles
1990-1994 apx - art from me and maybe others, in Oregon
Published at 02:38 PM

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