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SPIRITUAL CATCH UP OF THE DAY....and reminiscence about my art

Looking back at my journey I sometimes wonder how many creations I already brought to this world and how many are there still to come.

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But then I remember that it's not the outcome/result/product that counts, it's always THE PRESENCE during the act of creation that will shine into eternity and for all eternity. Nothing that is done with presence is ever lost, it stays imprinted in the blueprint of this Universe.

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Yes I still have the desire to leave this world a better place, fully understanding the irony of such wish and it's contradictory stand to surrender, Trust and Acceptance of this perfect Universe. Any wish to change the outside world is an affirmation of the misunderstanding of the perfection of the Great Plan and the lack of connection to the inner world, which is that of unlimited creative potential. Yes I am talking about the status of God-like power of co-creating this reality. Any reality.

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Yes we have been conditioned to believe in our belittlement. But even this plot has its beauty and will change nothing on the fact that the our destiny cannot be denied. Yes we have been trained to believe that the world is in certain shape and that we as individuals cannot do anything about it, at least not on a global scale. Yes even this cannot change the seeds of Truth from which we are made and which cannot be stripped from us.

Yes we have shaped our minds to create unconsciously the nasty turmoil of fear frequency that makes this planet the way it is today (not a heaven for all that it can DEFINITELY be and WILL BE one fine day) yet even that cannot change anything about the fact that our conscious creative capacity is our birthright and will be reclaimed in near future.

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Many teachers One Truth

Nothing can ever change our destiny, which is that of UNITY with all there is. We have been blind to our true cosmic nature for eons and believed in the illusion of separation (from Universe, from Creator), but our destiny cannot be denied forever because such is the blueprint of all creation.

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We are One.

We shell come home one day.

Everything IS for a greater good.

Earth can be hell and it can be paradise. It will be paradise when we realize who we really are and how powerful we are.

Humanity is far greater than what we were told. And human body is far more amazing cosmic vessel than what we believe. Infinitely greater than what we believed, if we believed at all.

Beliefs, same as words and other mind structures, will be replaced by much more intelligent ways, namely "knowing" and "being", which completely bypass the primitive 3D mind.


WE ARE GOD, fulfilling her greatest wish to EXPERIENCE her creation on other level than the Absolute. Through us = through her

(...and no there is no such thing as "gender" in the Truth, but I felt like using "she" since almost everything we consider God to be like is one vast misconception).

I hope you enjoyed the art

....and the read.

Be With Love,


Much Love to all and thank you for being on my path. See you in Vegas for World Wide Cryptocon this week

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