Painted Papers

Hello Wednesday ! Wednesday evening that is. Just clocked off of work a few minutes ago. Woooo Hoooo !
I know I showed you various posts a few months back of the different ways I was learning to make painty papers / collage papers. That's one part of this fun journey I really love. Once I started making them, I have never run out, but of course every week or two I make more to add to my stock, sometimes just to refresh them and give me more choices and always because I get new stencils all the time.
I made these a couple of days ago. You'll probably notice a lot of them have circles and dots. I got a whole set of stencils with different sizes on them and I really love that set.

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Even though they are also in the above animation, I thought I'd pull some of my favs out so you can see them while they are STILL.

I really love the two stencils that I made these with. I put them on music pages from my old hymnal. I don't have plans for what I will use them on, but they will show up in a practice project at some point, I'm just sure of it.


These were two more from stencils I purchased with the ones in the previous photo. The one on the left has a top area that doesn't show up as well on the photo, but it still looks pretty good to the real eye. I also added some circles on the bottom of some of the papers if there was too much empty space left. No sense in wasting !


I used several colors of paint on this one as I stenciled the design on. I thought it came out super neat on the bright orange paper and of course, more dots using the leftovers of those colors.

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I also liked the areas of black and peach yellow. It almost looked like you were looking through the red lines and seeing down in there. The little purple area on top left.... not so good, but it can still go in a background somewhere.


Pretty cool pile of papers I'm thinking.


AND......another fun shot of my art desk when I called it quits that night and went to bed.


That was fun !
Hope you all had a good day and life has been treating you nicely this week.
Love you !
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