Creative process - what's the correct approach

Hi, guys!

Today I continue being productive, and I even managed to work with my homework for CG classes a bit. By the way it made me thinking about my approach I have to creative activities, and that's what came to my mind.

Usually I do it wrong. Yes, it's cool that I work using timer, as I said many times I work using Yana Frank system 45/15, where you work (ONLY work) for 45 minutes and then do something completely different (also important, for example if you work with computer you mustn't go on with Facebook for your rest) for 15 minutes. This system allows me to stay productive during long time cause I recharge all the time. BUT!!! Does my creative flow stay creative with such approach?


Yes and no. From one side I limit my creativity with time frames, but from the other side creativity is still creativity, no matter what. So it can keep it's flow, and by the way it's also useful to leave your canvas time to time, go away, and when you return you will see all your mistakes. Better redo 45 minutes of work than 10 hours. 

Still the main thing is how I feel the process inside. I know that I can't do anything under a pressure, I need freedom for creative process. But still I need organization, and it's a necessity.   I just need to keep being free inside myself, think of the process as about the process, not as about a fine result (which is also important, but never available without good creative process:).

See you in the next post!

Love, Inber

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