The Ignorant and the Insane at Theater Poreia

Going to the theater is probably my favorite hobby. I am lucky enough to live in a city that has many stages and there is always something interesting to see.


So, yesterday I went to Poreia Theater here in Athens to watch Thomas Bernhard's "The ignorant and the Insane" play . ( Thomas Bernhard, Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige, 1972 ).

If you are in Athens I highly recommend it. Artistically is brilliant and the performances are awesome. It will make you think , it will make you laugh, it will make you wonder.


The story is about a famous opera singer that is fed up singing the "Vengeance" aria from Magic Flute of Mozart, even though she is the best in doing so. This is the song I am talking about and note that this is possibly the most demanding song of opera.

Along with our singer "The Queen of the night" is her blind father, a doctor that studies anatomy and a personal assistant. I won't spoil you the story, but this singer wants to do something unheard of. If you want to find out more, go and watch the play.

Queen of the Night: Anthi Efstratiadou
Father: Christos Malakis
Doctor: Giannos Perlegkas
Mrs. Fargo/Vinter Waiter: Giannis Kapeleris

Translation: Giorgos Depastas
Direction: Giannos Perlegkas
Sets-Costumes: Lucia Chouliara
Movement: Dimitra Efthimiopoulou
Lighting: Nikos Vlasopoulos
Video: Iason Arvanitakis

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The official site of Theater Poreia :

And until the next theatre night out …
Be Healthy, Smile and Steem.


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