Title: Kurtd Cobain by harj


I would like to dedicate this art post to Faigy Mayer who I miss dearly.

Title Kurtd Cobain
oil on canvas
by harj

My interpretation

This painting was a burst of emotions or "pure emotional art" and to me that was a tribute to Nirvana unlike most my art which is discovering truth, this one was much more raw.

I wanted to listen to his album Nevermind and paint it.

The emotion in his voice, transfers very well to the brushstokes and made an amazing aray of feelings on the canvas like a dance for you to see.

I have noticed that when friends see this hanging of my wall they are stuck by the energy and emotion which can be very intense and somtimes embarrassing for me.

Please tell me if it is emotional for you ?

Dear Steemians,

Thank you again on this discovery into human action and gaining a better glimpse into the actions and choices we make.

I really hope that you enjoy my art and PLEASE please I would love to know about your interpretation of this painting, if you could leave it below, it will give us all an insight and a better understanding..

Thank you so much for you kind support and input.

Big hugs and big love



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