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Lukisan dari Anakku / Painting from my Son

ini adalah gambar karya anak saya,dia berusia 7 tahun, dia bilang ke saya tolong gambar ini di jadikan postingan di steemit.
saya selaku orang tua merasa bangga,karna anak saya sudah mau ikut belajar untuk memberikan bahan postingan..biarpun saya masih bingung harus menulis apa tentang postingan ini.

this is a picture of my son's work, he is 7 years old, he told me this picture in post made in steemit.
I as a parent feel proud, because my child was willing to come to learn to provide material posting .. even though I am still confused what to write about this post.




terima kasih semoga kalian menyukainya.

(thank you may you like it)

