The best time to plant Wildflower seeds

Hey dear community, first of all I would like to welcome you all to my new post and hope you are all well and you had a weekend full of positive experiences! In this post, I would like to go into nature and give a tip what you can do and what you should pay attention to.

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Here you can see some pictures of wildflower seeds as well as some pictures of plants that result of it from last year and these kind of seeds are mixtures of bee-friendly seeds which mostly consist of native plants. Mostly these mixtures are perennial and depending on the manufacturer, the selection of different types of plants can vary and the best time to plant them is in spring and a good month that you can set as a goal is March, but this varies depending on the weather. In the past I have already written a post about it and for years I have been cultivating wildflower seeds myself and it can also be worthwhile to share them with others and I think this is a good way to do something for nature and contribute a part to biodiversity. You can cultivate them in your own garden or on the balcony and if you have the opportunity, it can also be worthwhile to plant larger areas with them, under certain circumstances it can also be worthwhile to scatter them in the wild but here it should be noted that these are not invasive species and some of these mixtures are only suitable for gardens, but the manufacturer should note this. If you value optimal growth, you should first completely dig up the area and remove plants that could stand in the way and the soil must also be ploughed and the roots of previous plants should be removed. The seeds should be planted between 2-5 cm deep and then covered with soil and watered, you should make sure that the soil lightly pressed and loose and it is important that you always keep it moist. The first plants should show up already after a few days, but you should be patient because it can also take a few weeks for every seed to germinate and at the end of the season you can leave the plants before you cut them back because they usually multiply their seeds themselves over flight. In order to provide all of the plants with enough light, you can cut back the plants that take the light from the others and you should also remember to mow the wildflower meadow and regularly supply it with enough nutrients. The diversity of the different species of plants ensures that you can expect a colorful meadow that makes a great contribution to biodiversity and can counteract the ever-growing threat to species extinction.




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Thank you very much for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about nature! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens!

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