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Art by Credo Mutwa - African wisdomkeeper and official storyteller and heritage keeper of the Zulu nation.⭐

Greetings Steemians today I have a special treat of some of the amazing pieces of art from my visit to Credo Mutwa's home in Kuruman in the Northern Cape in South Africa. 🌓

Credo is recognised as one of the high tribal elders of the African continent and comes from a long ancient line in the oral and artistic tradition of Zulu culture and southern African tribal traditions. He has made a number of prophecies which have come to pass and he's on record with his amazing predictions coming true.

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Credo has authored many books but also many paintings and artworks like sculptures and has been involved in a number of humanitarian projects. He is an expert herbalist and an outspoken activist in the use of traditional African medicines. He created the Vulinda Trust to preserve traditional knowledge and to promote the use of traditional medicines.

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As part of a globally synchronised outpouring of ancient sacred knowledge by various wisdom keepers from around the world in a new paradigm of awareness and human consciousness, many tribal elders have spoken for the first time about the exopolitical nature of the world we live in and how now there is an outpouring of ancient sacred knowledge to aid in the re-birthing of a new human consciousness.

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Credo is one of those few people who has come out with the truth of the reality of contact with extraterrestrials since ancient times and the secrets of manipulation of our very own reality by forces that are desperately trying to keep the truth from us about who we are, where we come from and what we're doing here.

In the Oppenheimer gardens in Soweto Credo secured a piece of land to create an African cultural village called Kwa-Khaya Lendaba cultural village, which is open to the public. Many Africans that went to go and see the cultural village saw sights that were unfamiliar to many and the village is filled with prophetic sculptures and traditional huts that are adorned with strange symbols and artworks.

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As a custodian of the very first ancient African religion where even in a severe drought if your neighbour came to you to ask you for some food - you would be bound by your ancient religion to share half of your daily food with your neighbour.

Humans were understood to be sacred creatures and the Zulu elders had advanced knowledge of space and astronomy and other areas of knowledge in ancient times. Jesus is understood to be African too and African culture, heritage and resources have been pillaged from our great continent for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Delving into this material is not for the feint of heart and simple truth nuggets could have mind altering and shattering revelations about your constructed reality and understanding of the nature of reality - so you've been warned! This modern day ancient African mystic is a living wonder and his stories of legends and history are second to none. Embedded inside these stories is a deep hidden occult knowledge about the origins of our species and culture,and the nature of the forces that really control us and the forbidden ancient sacred science that mother earth left to her children.

Credo says that he is the most, "robbed man in Africa" and may people have taken his knowledge and authored books with his knowledge and claimed it as their own. He has also had his house broken into and priceless treasures stolen one of those being the The Necklace of Mysteries which was a hereditary artefact which has been handed down from generation to generation through the priesthood and for over a thousand years. He also also successfully avoid at least two attacks on his life and is still alive to tell the tales that many would not want told.👨‍🎨👩‍🎨


If there is interest I'm going to do a whole complete article about who this man is and about the story of his amazing life and the gifts or truth and knowledge that will become his legacy - and also become part of the true history of the human family on planet Earth.If you would like to contact Credo the only way I know is through his wife Virginia - I'm unsure if any websites I've found masquerading as him as any legitimacy or are simple people trying to capitalise on web search engines. So please just let me know in the comments if you would like more Credo insights?
Thanks for reading and please upvote and follow me to support me.🐶


Thanking David Icke and UFO TV for truly amazing video and bibliotecapleyades for the The Necklace of Mysteries image.