Some Movie Trailers from a Couple Films I Work on Came Out Today! Ghostbusters and Togo!

I have worked on some Hollywood blockbusters over the years! None harder than a couple films I worked on over the last 14- 15 months. Working on Practical Special Effects can be very demanding, dangerous and long hours. In this time I froze my ass off and worked myself to exhaustion! Nice to see these two might work out!

Certainly one is much larger of a production than the other! Let's start with "Togo"! This is the one I froze my ass off! Made some cool effects for this one, as well built a few dog sleds for the picture!

Temperatures on Set reached a low of minus -38° centigrade, with recorded temperatures of minus -50 degrees centigrade with a wind chill. We also worked altitude for some of the scenes! Never filmed above 2000 meters above sea level. We did on this one!

I am looking forward to taking the lady to the premiere in a town called Canmore, Alberta this Wednesday!

Here is a look at the trailer!

And then there's this blockbuster! A new Ghostbusters!! This one hopefully will be epic! Put a lot of heart and soul into creating some of the practical effects on this one! Had a great team to work with!

Some effects are easier than others, when one throws you a challenge to create something that hasn't be done before! That's when things can get fun! Was great to work with some of the original cast from the original Ghostbusters! Certainly one of the highlights of my film career!

Hopefully this one works out for it's final cut! Check out the Ghostbusters trailer which came out a few hours ago here!

Thanks for stopping in today and you're continued support on the Steem!

More soon!!

December 09/2017

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