Kel Cruz, Painting Use Blood

Manila - Kel Cruz, 26 years old, is an artist from Quezon City, Philippines. He is dubbed the 'pixel artist', because his portraits are made from unique elements such as lighter, adhesive tape, fingerprints and most surprisingly, his own blood!

Cruz, who also works as a nurse, used to create pixel works using round pens.

But the competition, which is also an artist, has criticized his skills by accusing Cruz of using a printing press to produce his portrait paintings.

The incident made Cruz change her mind and use various media in her artwork.

Cruz's most controversial art portrait is a portrait of the famous movie star Suicide Squad, Harley Quinn, using her own blood.

He can produce works of art in two to three days, and the biggest portrait he makes is 16x9 feet.

Kel Cruz's great paintings, including paintings from his blood, have attracted many fans in social media such as Facebook and Instagram, and attracted television stations in the Philippines.

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