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Music gives soul to the universe
wings to the mind
flight to the imagination
and life to everything.

Music is something which requires no introduction. You just play your favorite genre and it will give you some sort of happiness. Without music, life is like a sky without stars,garden without flowers meaning a life with no joy.

I just can't describe how I feel when I listen to music. With my headphones on, I feel like I'm in a whole new world. It helps we tackle my emotions, concentrate in my studies much better, in my meditation, to do my everyday chores with more efficiently and the list goes on. Well I can write a book on what impact music had in my life but need to stop here.😅

So this sketch I have drawn pretty sums up how music is like a soul to universe and ours life.

What are your views on this? Would love to hear from you.
What music is to you? What is your favorite genre? Would love to hear from you
Lots of love💕