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New Painting and a Thought w/ Progress Images


Everything fades, dies and vanishes...everything is born and unfolding. You can't hold on to anything. Change is the constant. There is only one thing, that you can control and completely own... which is the unfathomable magic of your own awareness.

The following painting is the latest out of my "Abstract Mind" series and it took more than one attempt to get to the final solution. The face in the final version was painted on top of another silhouette, with which I wasn't really satsisfied.

Here you can see the first abstract layer of color. It is always great fun to lay down the foundation of a painting. The process is so free. You don't really have to care for anything despite great colors.

On the wall you can see the first version, which didn't really satisfy me. Below is the final version of the painting ;-)

"And the Rain will wash it all away" | acrylic on canvas | 50cm x 60cm | 2019


"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself; I am large -- I contain multitudes."

walt whitman 

For more information about my art please visit