Vampire Queen #1

Like seemingly everybody else on the planet, I've started playing around with AI generated art. In my case, I downloaded Stable Diffusion UI and have been playing around with that. In particular, Stable Diffusion UI is an easy to install variation of Stable Diffusion that also includes a GUI. I was able to get running on both Windows and Linux with minimal effort. I believe the baseline version of Stable Diffusion is command line only so this is a nice option for those that prefer a GUI. I've been using the GUI but the real appeal to me of this version was the fact that it was a snap to install.

Stable Diffusion UI seems to work, within limits, on nVidia GPUs with 4MB or more. I have seen minimum requirements listed as higher than that but with some minor adjustments it seems to work pretty well. Also, you don't technically even need a GPU to use Stable Diffusion UI. It's just that if you don't have one and use only the CPU, each image will take 30 minutes or more to produce (depending on how fast your CPU is). However, this is open source software so you can generate as many images as you want for free. So even with limited hardware, you can still produce unlimited long as you are patient.

This particular image was generated with a prompt involving a vampire queen. I think it came out pretty well though some fangs would have been nice. Even without the fangs, she has this wild, disheveled look and definitely the look of a vampire about her. She's probably not someone I would want trying to get in my window on a dark and stormy night. Then again, vampires are hard to resist...

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