Sacred Geometry Drawings

Hey Family,

I wanted to post a couple of drawings I did a few years ago.. Hope you like them. The photos aren't the greatest quality due to lighting and the fact that I'm a hopeless phone photographer but I am sure you can appreciate the pieces all the same.


This image is not that great because this picture is framed so there is a bit of light bouncing off it... Anyway, this was a drawing I did for my fiancé when we first got together 5 years ago. Her name is Freea so I wanted to create a picture with a crapload of 'F' things.. see how many you can find! I think all up this picture took me about 4 months to complete starting with the geometry architecture.
The 4 corners of the flower represent different aesthetics of the world/aether/universe. The top left is magic. Top right is DMT. Bottom left is the all loving mother moon, and bottom right is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.


This another piece I drew around the same time. I don't have too much to say about other than it was the first eye that I drew. Took me a good week on the eye alone. The rest of the picture came together pretty quick, I think I finished this piece in under a month.

Thanks for checking out the pictures!

Much Love!

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