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Let me introduce myself

Hello, everybody!
My name is Catherine, but on creative resources I live under the nickname Cattleya. I live in Russia and English is not my native language. I study it all the time, but had not enough practice. It is uncomfortable for me to write story in English but i try to do it well. Sometimes i want to tell some story about my art, job or smth else, and few days ago i found this resource. It's very curious, i think, and i hope it's will be intresting for me) I will be glad to new acquaintances.
In the blog I will write mostly about my hobbies, which over the years have accumulated a lot, however, now only a few lead - drawing, photography, computer games. I combine these three hobbies - drawing for games, children tales, photoart, programming my computer games and play to other games. I draw for myself, image stocks, customers. Exclusively on the computer, but I like to look at other people's work done with live materials, but i'm too lazy to find colors, get an easel, and then clean my room ... therefore only a computer) I draw vector graphics and bitmap. At one time I was fond of 3D modeling for games, but there was no reason to continue, so I left this case for now (but maybe I will return to it). Now, in parallel with other hobbies, I develop games for mobile platforms in a small team (of two people), by the way, we will soon release our first pilot project. At one time I was fond of fractal art, and now I am very helped out by the fractal backgrounds that were made earlier. I want to deepen my knowledge in this direction ... Also i might be carried away to play some new (or well forgotten) game, lately there is survival game, but i have favorites in other genres too.
Now it is supposed to show some beautiful picture, I made this collage, trying to show everything into it, what about I said before :)
