Creating Art

Hello fellow earthlings!

Art is an expression of passion, that's why it is beautiful nobody's art is the same and everybody has their own unique styles and ways of creating. I have done a lil painting throughout my life here and there but recently have felt a calling to crystals and what energies they posses. So I watched a few YouTube tutorials and decided what the heck I'm going to start wire wrapping some stones and crystals and making them into jewelry. I'v never made any kind of jewelry in my life but I figured hey its worth a shot. So I got some wire as a present for my birthday and here is what I created. I wanted to share them with my followers because honestly I am proud of how they turned out. Yeah they will get better once I practice more and learn some more, but for now Ya girl is proud :) Check out my creations !

A Watercolor piece I did.


I really love the way this stone shines and looks very well with the black wire.


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