Collage Madness


"Lunatic Guardians"

šŸ„ mycelium magic upgrade šŸ„

neanderthal monkey mind...stagnation damnation
refresh, connect... again to ancient ways...
let go, release, expand
pave the way BackwarDForwarD
everlasting union
you, me...all that be

Thankfully collages' reputation has gained more respect in recent years. A fellow artist commented to me the other day that my collages are more like montages... I had to look it up... Lol all I can think of when I hear the word montage is that silly scene in "Team America".... Anyhoo potato potato...

Collage has been my go to art form for almost 30 years. I started in high school and have been addicted ever since. Firstly because its easy (as in you don't need to paint the actual image), secondly its not messy and thirdly there are a never-ending number of possibilities.

Ive been known to cough loudly in Doctors surgeries to cover the sound of me tearing out a must have picture from a magazine. I find looking through magazines and books like hunting for treasure!

My collage style has become more refined over time, I used to use a lot of images, all overlapping or underlapping (haha is that a even a thing?!)
I used to be a little lazy regarding the cutting out of very intricate images, but recently I've seen the worth of painstakingly cutting out crazy stuff....
It just bloody looks good!
I've also found it to be a form of meditation for myself, when I focus that hard, I can't think of anything else.

Living in a dark caravan for the last 2.5 years has totally cramped my art making capabilities, so collage seemed the easiest art form to do in a dimly lit small space.

I now see my collages as contemplation pieces, a meditation tool if you will. I'm in the process of writing up divination oracle style esoteric writing to go with the collages in the aim to produce an oracle card deck. Watch this space!

I hope you enjoy these snippets of my...
asthetikmind šŸ’š

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