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"Blinded by Beauty" [watercolor]

Hello friends! I created this for a friend who requested it (she had seen something like it on pinterest I think, or Instagram....or somewhere) - the nice thing I like about this is that the rose petals are from the roses I planted earlier this year! I took some of the petals and then flattened them in a book, having no idea what I might use them for in the future - but I think they look great in this piece. Now I'm only sad that I didn't flatten more - guess I'll have to wait till next summer to restock on my flower petals!

What do you guys think? It was really weird doing this and not including the eyes - eyes are one of my favorite things to do!

Also, great news, I got my camera in the mail and I'm very close to starting my video series "Learn art with me"! I'm looking forward to getting that off the ground. Youtube has so many channels dedicated to art tutorial videos and I felt it was something that Steem could use too!

Here is the final, framed piece:


Progress shots:




Thanks for stopping by!! I appreciate every view and comment!