grasshoppers live in green trees

is an insect animal classified in the Odonata nation, is a friendly animal with a beautiful shape so many people like it like butterflies and dragonflies need aquatic environment to lay eggs, they put their eggs on plants in water, stagnant water or running water. Hatching eggs extract larvae or tempayak will live and grow in the bottom of the water, undergoing metamorphosis and then evolved into a nymph and then out of water into adult dragonflies. The life cycle of dragonflies varies, from eggs, hatching to adulthood ranging from 6 months to 6 or 7 years, the longest life cycle in the form of nymphs below the surface of the water, these animals can be a natural indicator of detecting water quality in our environment. If we can still see this animal with many, it means that our water is clean enough from pollution

photo taken by @anakmuda1 with samsung galaxy smartphone S8


photo taken by @anakmuda1 with samsung galaxy smartphone S8


Dragonflies and other insects that can not stand are forced to leave. So also if the rivers are dirty. Dragonflies are reluctant to lay eggs at the site. While the dragonfly habitat that has been replaced with tall buildings also makes the dragonfly just a story Natural environment will surely bring the dragonflies and also other living things so there is a balance in it The dragonfly group is rarely found in the open, flying at low speed and often shelter between twigs or foliage, likes places with less sunlight intensity thanks

photo taken by @anakmuda1 with samsung galaxy smartphone S8


photo taken by @anakmuda1 with samsung galaxy smartphone S8


By @anakmuda1

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