Draw with me: Sweets Waffles and Blueberry Jam


Imagine, two months have passed since I saw @birdsinparadise 's post . And I drew this cool dessert. These are waffles with jam and berries,but in the text I sometimes confuse waffles with pancakes)) And in the slides I can’t change anymore - the original was not preserved. So, sorry for that =)

I draw with markers Finecolour. And here are the marker numbers.


  1. I outline the main details with the liner. It will be waffles with jam, sour cream and blueberries.

  2. With two light brown markers I draw the basis for waffles. Light falls from right to left.

  3. With three blue we draw blueberries, on the right is the light part of the berries, on the left is the dark.

  4. Two pinks make the base for jam.

  5. Darken the red part of the jam with the darkest red marker.

  6. Add light purple to the shady places. I leave pink light patches of jam.

  7. The darkest violet darkens the jam even more.

  8. I put dots on the waffles with dark brown and darken the left side a little more. I draw pink flowers and add light purple to the middle.

  9. With gray markers I draw a shadow from a dessert on a plate, a shadow on sour cream from waffles and berries, and my own shadow on the near edge of the plate.

  10. With two brown and two medium gray, I draw stripes on a napkin.
    With gray markers I add a pattern on a plate.

  11. With a white marker, align the plate on the left side of the illustration and remove smudges from the markers. Add glare to jam and berries.
    I align the right side of the plate with a white handle and add glare points on jam and berries.

Will you draw with me?

All my paintings can be bought for sbd/steem

You can find me here: https://www.instagram.com/amalinavia/

Thank you for watching!


P.S. It is hard to write in English, because my native language is Russian. But I'm learning. If you notice serious errors in the text that interfere with the correct perception, please let me know about them.

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