Draw with me: lighthouse with house

Another lighthouse. Now I am drawing a lighthouse that looks like a house. It is made of brick. And if you remove the tower - no different from the house))

And this is step-by-step lesson:
I tried to describe each item, but if there are questions, I will answer with pleasure.


  1. I outline the lighthouse with a thin black liner.
    Light falls from right to left, so the right side will be in the light, and the left in the shadow.
    On the left side, the marker is darker than on the right side.
  2. For the main facade, I use the marker RV209, and for the shadow - RV130. Under the roof and on the veranda, I also use the darker marker RV130. Both markers are applied in one layer!
  3. Now the cylindrical part of the lighthouse: several gray markers from light to dark. I leave a white vertical strip - flare.
    Under the roof and in shady places - a medium tone of gray, in bright places - light. Add gray to the windows.
  4. I make horizontal strokes with the same two markers as the second layer: RV209 in the illuminated area of the facade and RV130 in the shadow.
  5. I make the roof of the veranda and the house itself in one layer.
    With green markers I draw grass near the house: light on the illuminated part and dark in the shade.
    I add details with a white gel pen: windows of the house, strokes on the illuminated facade, wires and ropes on the cylindrical part of the lighthouse.

Simply? Try it yourself)) I will be happy to help you!)

All my paintings can be bought for sbd/steem

You can find me here: https://www.instagram.com/amalinavia/

Thank you for watching!


P.S. It is hard to write in English, because my native language is Russian. But I'm learning. If you notice serious errors in the text that interfere with the correct perception, please let me know about them.

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