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My first NFT on NFT showroom on Hive / はじめてのNFT Showroom

スクリーンショット 2021-10-11 11.18.02.png

Peaceful Invasion - NFT Showroom

I am proud on seeing my work is shown together with other great art works 😊

I examined other platforms such as OpenSea, Rarible and Solsea and other blockchains such as Ethereum (too expensive!), Solana and Polygon. However since I feel comfortable with Hive/ as my blockchain home, I decided to create NFT on NFT Showroom. I think it was a good decision.

I will tokenize plant related artworks time by time. It would be nice if I can sell some and donate the part of revenue to plant related projects. NFTs can be a voting right to decide which project to donate to ........ a lot of fun things to think about.

I will see how it works!



