DRACULA’S CASTLE -Soft Detailed Watercolour Progress

I have to say that I'm not crazy about Dracula’s myth, and that's not the reason I made this watercolor. The main reason is that the Bran Castle has an amazing medieval arhitecture and is actually very beautiful.

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Here is a short description from Wikipedia:
''Bran Castle is known outside Romania with the name of Dracula’s Castle due to the legend. This castle became known abroad owing to the Irish writer Dracula novel Bram Stoker. The name Dracula comes from the surnames of Vlad the Impaler’s father, the Dracul, he was the member of the Dragon Order. This is the one of the most beautiful medieval castles in Romania.''

For this aquarelle painting I used as a reference a very beautiful picture of Cristian Balate, a Romanian photographer.

The progress:

collage Bran 1.jpg

In this stage, I want to reveal you a little trick about how you can make the sun or the moon in watercolors. Cover a coin in a napkin and lightly swab the place where you want the star to be positioned. This is a much faster technique than applying a liquid mask in advance like HERE in one of my previouse posts. Depending on how hard you press the coin on the paper, the edges will be hard, soft, and even lost.

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For the sky I used wet-in-wet watercolor technique and for the rest of the painting combined techniques.
collage 3 Bran.jpg

Few years ago when I last visited Bran Castle, I noticed that Secret passage inside the castle, connecting the first and third floors is the only breathtaking ‘’creepy” thing. :)

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Watercolor on Arches paper

I hope you enjoyed watching the progress of this watercolor. In the future I will try a more washed technique and another angle of this wonderful castle, so stay tuned for updates.

Thank you for stopping by!
Best wishes and inspiration,

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