June 15, 21: SM Season Ends, 10K Run, Walk Downtown, 50K HP, Oculus, A Movie, and Games


Not sure if it’s really saying all that much, but today was a much better day than yesterday. Trying to just chillax, as long as I’m keeping good records, I should be alright. Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched and all that.

Did the usual morning routine and tacked on some chores as well. Emptied out the dishwasher and did the dishes left in the sink…the mundane, it’s got to be done again as soon as it’s done, sort of stuff.

Hit a new milestone: fifty thousand Hive Power!!! 💪🥳 Unfortunately, it’s not quite enough vests to be an Orca yet, but creeping up there pretty quickly. 🤩😍


I did spend the entire morning otherwise staring at my phone and I decided that if I wanted to feel better, one of the best ways would be to pull myself away, get outside, get some fresh air and sunshine and exercise.

Not quite sure what possessed me, but I decided to run a 10K. Probably shouldn’t have done that right out the gate (pretty sore), but I pushed myself hard and then backed it off, so I’m not in misery or anything, just a little hurty.




Just about perfect to be out. It was a little cool for my taste, but I was thankful that the clouds were blocking out most of the direct sun and that there was a bit of a breeze when I was about halfway through…was sweating enough just from the exertion.


Was sort of a rest in the sense that I was unable to be aware of anything much other than my immediate physical being. Payed attention to my pace and heart rate and how much pain I was in, no thinking about digital or DeFi world at least for an hour.



I did try and take the time to be thankful for the day and the weather and that I have a life where I can just decide to go for a run in the middle of the day.

After I got home and got a shower, Mom called me that there was a music rack for sale down at the local resale shop, so I walked downtown. That was a bit of a rough walk. 🤪 Very stiff.

Didn’t end up buying the rack, but I got some more cheap movies instead. I must have had some good karma ‘cause when I went to pay I told the cashier that one of them had three discs (so it should have been $6) but she said it was $2 anyway. 😃 I would have felt bad if I hadn’t mentioned that there were three discs, but I wasn’t going to argue! 😁

Got back and jacked in to the Oculus for a while. Played a few rounds of Beat Saber, because of course, played some Star Wars pinball, and then started a brand new puzzle/escape room game I got today: Rogue Escape. It’s been ok so far, but there’s absolutely no guidance; have to figure everything out from nothing.

In the evening we had yummy turkey tacos for dinner and watched one of the movies I bought. It was Cutthroat Island…old school 1995 adventure movie. Was just about exactly what I expected, but I didn’t really pay all that much attention, was playing Splinterlands.

Watched some more Manifest before bedtime and that was it…still need to accomplish something, but today was a step in the right direction.

dShitty continues on its relentless path to ultimate shittiness. Not even any WEED today. 🤬 Some sort of crisis going on, but what’s new and who cares?



Thank heavens for abachon! I was able to get all my Holybread tasks done today and just building up that bread in the hope that someday they will give this game some semblance of purpose again.


Still holding rank, and it’s still worthless.



I did get the last ingredient I needed to start a brew over on CryptoBrewmaster. Haven’t gone in and collected it yet, so we’ll see what I get (wooo, it’s a surprise 😝). Not too concerned about it at this point.

Went in and bought a few more cards on Rising Star. Just trying to get prepared for hitting level fifteen and unlocking the Ego meter…need to have some other cards contributing to skills and the rankings are based in large part on the number of unique cards held, so trying to progress a little that way as well. Still too early to be considering pulling out any profit for my time, just building for now.


Today was the end of the Splinterlands season and, of course, the subsequent reset. Not sure why I decided to play when I know better, but I played quite a lot anyway.


Got my brawls set up for the guild and been doing ok so far (got spanked the last one).




We got the new Dice airdrop and I got bupkis:


Finally got the Life quest done that was sitting there for like three days. Ok rewards, I suppose, got a rare:


The season rewards were just about precisely as crappy as I had expected. A few reasonable cards, but the potions and DEC were a waste:





Got my stats for the last week. Kind of a mixed bag; I like seeing those green flags, especially on sleep, but falling below 100K steps for the week isn’t cool. Got the new zone minutes now that I have the Versa 3, thinking I might need to dial up that goal ‘cause if your in higher heartbeat zones they get multiplied.


Average Last 7 Days: 14,740

Lifetime Average: 15,215

10k per Day Streak: 29


Longest Streak: 204


Distance on shoes: 508.11 km
Distance on hikers: 64.92 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 356
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 19

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 171
#DoubleDay Streak: 1
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 88%
Satisfaction: 78%
Energy: 86%
Productivity: 60%


Rising Star






Pi Cloud Mining




Join us in the Mancave!

Power up and Hive on!

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