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Feb. 6, 23: Routine, Chores, Oculus, Airport, TV, and Games


Dangit! Well, it wasn't snoring that got me up, but it was another pretty rough night again last night. 😢 Got to bed around nine, so that wasn't bad, but I seriously had to pee and the dog was whining to go out at four or so and I just got up then. Ended up nearly a full hour short of my goal this time. 😭

Got an early start on the morning routine and just did all the usual stuff. Not really anything particularly interesting to note there, just did some curation, got caught up on emails and pings, and shifted tokens. I suppose there was the results of the weekly step challenge and i came in second, but I'm not terribly satisfied with how close to seventy thousand I was...been several weeks since I've been out for a walk. 😢

Checked on the crypto markets and we were having a bit of a pullback today. Not unexpected, nothing goes straight up, but generally don't like to see those reds...

Speaking of not unexpected, HIVE continues to tumble...I don't see an end to it until we erase every penny of the gains we made. Remind me again why I'm thirty thousand bucks deep in this coin?!?! 😛

I guess one thing was: I had an idea that we should have a proposal channel in the PIMP District so that members can vote (even if they can't attend the meeting) and I suggested it to Witty. We still need to hammer out the details at next meeting, but what he set up looks smart to me.

You have to propose your proposal (to be discussed in the meeting) and then, if it's accepted as a proposal it will go to the vote channel, then if it passes to a progress the whole process and everything that's going on is transparent and democratic; me likes. 😁 I also like feeling that I'm actively involved with the project and am making contributions to the community. 👍

Anyway, got to work on my post for the day and once I got it finished and shared, I didn't even put up a fight. I immediately jumped into VR and played some The Last Clockwinder. I finished up four or five more of the puzzles but stopped before what looks like the last level already. 😭 Been a fun game, but short.

Played until the battery barked again (a little over an hour 😡) and then quit out and got some lunch. Wenche was coming home from Norway today, so I cleaned up a bit and got the bedsheets laundered and then spent a little time preparing for classes tomorrow.

Was super low on gas, so left a few minutes early to head into the airport, but was there before she got out, like fifteen or twenty minutes.

We got home shortly after five (not bad at all) and I got myself some crackers and cheese and summer sausage for dinner and we watched the final of Celebrity Jeopardy that I'd saved until she got back. 😀

After that, I watched a bit of YouTube and got ready for bed, worked on the WombPlay challenges after the reset, and we put on some Letterkenny, but I was out within like ten minutes.

[Wow! This is the first time in quite a while that I'm struggling to meet my word count...recently been closer to fifteen hundred words than not, so I'm not sure why I'm coming up short today. 🤷‍♂️ Only have like five minutes left before I need to start getting ready for class and nearly a hundred words left to go. Feel like I'm kinda' cheating talking about it.]

My Splinterlands rental income for today was up slightly again to a dollar fifty. I pulled out the DEC I had and swapped it out, but can't say it was really a whole lot; still, doesn't hurt.

Claimed the SPS interest for the day, paid the fee, and had enough liquid saved up to pull out; again, not much, but it's all adding up and I'm nearly back to fifty HIVE liquid. 😀

Woah! Do you see what I see?! Actual dShitty income for once! 😯🤯 Better watch out, token price dive also incoming. 😛

Went in and checked on Rising Star again today and got lucky and found a pizza that refilled my energy so I was able to run an extra mission. My Ego is still zero for now, so just keeping on with missions for as long as I can.

Got a new card from the Pizza giveaways this week:

I think it's literally been months since I actually interacted with HashKings. I need to stop being lazy about it and get out.

Claimed my drop for today and swapped out the usual forty. Was slightly above two HIVE today, so that helps. Otherwise, I just keep staking the rest.

Yay! The stake rewards are back in line again (though we still lost a day or so worth in there) and the delegation rewards are back now too (but lost like a solid thousand WOO from that snafu 🤬😭). I also got like four hundred more from the giveaways as well, so nearly pushing fifty thousand staked now. 💪

Got a couple more cards from Pizza giveaways here too. Staked them into the mining pool, but I'm not holding my breath...some guys seem to be winning mining rewards every hour, doesn't leave much for the rest of us.

Average Last 7 Days: 10,597

Lifetime Average: 14,483

10k per Day Streak: 120

Longest Streak: 204

Distance on shoes: 1296.57 km
Distance on hikers: 67.07 km

#AutomaticWin Tally: 425
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 53

#TripleTen Tally: 118
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 236
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 37

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Steps: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 84%
Satisfaction: 86%
Energy: 91%
Productivity: 78%




Rising Star






Pi Cloud Mining



Power up and Hive on!