Monitoring App Update

Very useful and interesting update of the mobile app I use to monitor our residential photo voltaic farm.

Now it has much nicer look and feel.

Few more useful stat screens added but I think I like the most the new "Full Screen" feature, that brings to this next view:

The chart is clickable, and could show the energy harvest at any time of the bright part of the day.

The color scheme has been updated too and now feels more relaxing, somehow.

The days are getting warmer and brighter so more eco-friendly energy for our house to come.

Also, I was surprised to see the Voltage of the grid very close to the optimal. It rarely happens where I live.

Or can I summarize that nothing is no longer normal, everywhere!

I hope you have found this short report of this mobile software app upgrade useful or interesting. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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