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Proposed Collection of Works (Includes rambling about bots and mild blowing of own trumpet)

Hi Everyone,

I have been on Steemit close to 10 months now. I have close to 2500 followers. I have over 200 posts and over 2300 comments. You could say I have been pretty active over that time.

I have also made it to the trending page once for one day. That was not my best post but I upvoted it heavily with bots as I felt it was particularly relevant to the Steemit community. I still believe it is even now. Interestingly, that post was the most commented post for that day and I think 5th or 6th most upvoted post for that day as well. You could say that the huge amount of exposure was a great success. It certainly got a few discussions going. The post also received quite a large downvote that eliminated any profits from the bots and gave me a small loss overall. It was still worth it for the exposure and the discussions generated. Using bots to get on the front page is definitely a risk. I would only recommend doing so if you have something that you feel is critical to the community. Otherwise, just aim for trending in your respective tags.

At the end of last year I used bots for almost all my posts. It helped give me exposure on my relevant tags as well as returned a small profit from the upvote. These days I rarely use bots and I keep away from bid-bots. Not using the bots has resulted in a decline in my payouts and possibly an overall decline in my account as my increase in followers does not appear to be covering my increasing number of inactive followers (people give up way too soon). I am still pondering if I should use the bots again and risk the negative returns which will most likely not be covered by additional upvotes from the exposure. I am not jumping to this conclusion because I believe my content is bad. It just seems like not many people are not using the tags.

At the moment, I am running contests and I am getting a decent number of participants. I don’t think extra exposure is that important for my regular contests (@sweetsssj has given my new challenge series a boost). Also, a high number of entries means a lot more work for myself as I have to check as well as upvote each entry (I normally promise a small upvote for participation). I have also found that contests only appeal to minnows. The costs of providing exposure are very unlikely to be recovered unless I am very lucky with the return on a bot. I don’t want the returns of my post depending on luck. I much prefer it to be based on the appreciation of the post and what it brings to the community.

Library Series

Anyway, back to the topic of this post. I am creating a post that contains links to all my older posts. These posts will be arranged according to category. This will make all my posts much easier to find. Currently, my posts are arranged as a long list order according to date and not category. This makes it very hard for people to find the relevant posts. Putting them into a post will eventually have a similar problem as that post will also get buried (I wish Steemit would allow pinning of posts on accounts) but this initial level of organisation will make it easier for me to copy the links to the end of other posts within the same series or category.

Below are the categories I have decided to split my post into for easy reference.

  • Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Economics Facts
  • Conference Papers
  • Spreadsheets
  • Economic Theory
  • Veganism and animal cruelty topics
  • Game Theory
  • Darkside Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Puzzles
  • Economics is everywhere
  • Memes
  • Six Week Challenge
  • Milestones, Steemit, other

As you can see I have covered quite a range of topics. Almost all the posts in these topics have value beyond the 7 Day voting period permitted by Steemit. So even though I cannot earn money through upvotes I still want them to continue to gain attention and exposure. In addition to that, several posts are actually important precursors to many of the later posts.

If you have any thoughts or ideas about organising content, just drop a comment. I am also interested in new ideas.