6 Reason Why Your Posts Sucks and Don’t Get Up-Vote

So, you’ve set up an account and start posting and waiting for and upvote and it’s not happening. 

There’s one reason that’s very likely to be the problem — your content just plain sucks. 

You see, when you start posting, you have as much chance as anyone to get upvote to your post. However, if people open your post, and finds nothing even vaguely useful or interesting, then they’re not likely to return. This is why your posts suffers of not draw any attention. 

People are spending a few seconds on your post, deciding they’re not interested, and leaving, never to return. If you want to rectify the problem, and rebuild your traffic, you need to understand why your content sucks. Here are our top five reasons.

 1. You Have Nothing New to Say (Or Nothing at All) Too many users rehash everything they’ve seen on other websites or posts. What’s worse even than that though are users who really have nothing to say. Find something that YOU would be interested in reading about, before you just write whatever pops into your head. If you’d be interested, other people will be too. 

2. You Think Research Is Something Other People Do Even if you have something great to write about, you still have to research. Giving people the wrong information is a cardinal sin to users, so make sure that you always have all your facts straight. If not, at best, your readers will think you’re a joke.. Just avoid it, and do your research before you write and post. 

3. Your #Writing Style Has All the Sex Appeal of Damp Newspaper Come on! People want to read posts that are funny, exciting or interesting. If your posts are dull, gray, and loaded with technical jargon and highbrow literary style prose, no one will want to read them! Write as if you were talking to a friend, and you should find people more willing to read your content. 

4. You Don’t Believe in Checking Spelling and Grammar You don’t have to be a potential Pulitzer Prize winning writer to have a great post. But your content has to make sense. If your posts are garbled, make no sense, and are littered with spelling and grammar mistakes, you make it hard for your readers to finish them. Make sure you check your spelling and grammar and that you preview your post before you upload it. 

5. Paragraphs, Lists and Subheadings are Foreign Territory to You You can be the best writer in the world, and have the most interesting content around. However, if it’s all presented in one solid block of text, I can guarantee you, no one will read it. Break your content up, and make it scannable by using bullets and numbered lists, breaking text into paragraphs, and using subheadings. Make it easy for people to read your content, and they’re more likely to do just that. 

6. You just copy and paste At last but not least, you just copy and paste other people content or news from CNN or whatever you find on YouTube!!! If you keep on doing that I promise you that you never going to get serious attention to your posts, so do some research and prepare some content worth spreading and then the UPVOTEs will follow.      

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