Strength of weakness and weakness of power

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The methods of conflict, competition, and tradition have their familiar traditions and renewed maneuvers in maximizing self-sufficiency and targeting the weaknesses of adversaries or competitors. There is no animal in the earth but only potential vulnerabilities. But the eyes usually overlook the fact that the power itself is accompanied by its weakness and that its strength is taken, and that weakness also coincides with its strength, even if this is not expected of it, which is reflected in relative proportions in reality.

Humans live in their cities when their roads are suffocated with large vehicles. Then, through the hustle and bustle of traffic, the graceful motorbikes reach their destination with a flashy flow through the folds, a flexibility seen in the flow of water through the crevices.

The victory may come in an unequal battle for those who have realized the weaknesses of their adversary and invested their strengths, or have witnessed the rapid transformations and potential confusions of power and weakness. It is an example of the experiences of popular resistance, guerrilla warfare and nonviolent experiences that in some ways are inspired by primitive choices in the face of regular military traditions or institutions of hegemony and bullying. Limited to the arts of war, conflict and confrontation

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