E00-Introduction to the 4th Faculty of Science

Tension: The End of the seriously disrupting Humanity

The signs are on all walls of the organized sciences based on AI-artificial intelligence, which is aiming at terraforming Earth as a platform to access the solar system, and already beyond. AI is instrumentalizing life forms, and humanity by maintaining people with the wordy, personally neutral, i.e., denotational philosophical zeitgeist construction with the tag "human". This OPTION I with mass-attractivity as the predominant measure of all things is developed by the

  • Faculty#0 in their temples#0 (employ 11% of people) of the art#0 of representing#0; it produces some convincing#0 orientation about the man-made desired order, such as that of ?0-illusionary religions, %1-political correctness, traffic x3-ego control systems, up to linguistic and mathematical symbolism, as formally closed thinking control systems. They have a self-destructive inner dynamic of a TRAP, as well as their opposing ideologies with their agendas hidden in psycho-political rhetoric. Making such temples, idols, images, brands, and events requires Disrupting CREATION into manageable fragments, such as bricks for pyramids, forests for wood for temples, slaughtering animals for sacrifices, and even killing people as scapegoats for those who break the 'law and order', to appease gods, and to maintain idols, the elite, their serfs, and ideologies with their priests up to mutual slaughtering in wars between empires and their enemies in the race to dominate the ZG-zeitgeist.
  • Faculty#2 in their palaces#2 (33%) provides the knowledge to disrupt (divide to rule) people framed as humans#0 into fragments of human resources to use them like normed bricks to build the 12-level of intellectual hierarchies of physical and human resource management. The results are the traditional top-down organized academic and institutional 'pyramids' with their bottom serfs, employed with the sticks of punishment and the carrots of pay with rank's fame#0, power#2 to rule others, and money#0 for anything goes. That evokes bottom-up PRE-cultivated reactions asking for freedom from formally closed TRAPs, up to crimes, terrorism, and barbarism. The latter requires the "empire#2 to strike back", with mobbing, prisons, execution, and war, within more or less temple#0-formatted law and order to be executed by palaces#2.
  • Faculty#1 (56%) serves the first two faculties#0>#2, in a semi-disruptive way in the sense that its basis of giving meaning to modeling the technology used is the content-free laws of nature beyond human disruption. Then nature can be used to enhance technology to disrupt Creation more efficiently.

In the intellectual temple#0>palace#2>people#1's hierarchy of law#0 and order#2, and infrastructure#1 maintained by people in their TRAP roles of priests#0 (23%) > masters#2 (28%) and, > inferior PRE-roles of workers#1 (26%), there is the suppressed unavoidably necessary TRANS#3 role of prophets#3. They remind people of the H2-order, superior to those to control man-made disruption, such as the laws of nature#1, and the personally relevant#3 relationship G4-truths. The latter is the focus of this paper.

The Benefit of the 4th Faculty of Science#3

  • Prophets#3 (23%) have no public institution, just their inner conscience#3 to be developed with their personally relevant science#3! We all need to learn to emancipate from disruption by fulfilling#3 our own OPTION II as intended by our Creator. In my X-being I am a People#1-Prophet#3 like 12.5%, e.g., nothing exceptional, if this position#13 were not highly demeaned by the 'inquisitions' of the prevailing OPTION I intellectual cultures.
  • Among others, the cause for antisemitism is the intellectual claim#13 of the Jews; according to the Bible, their culture has a quality#13 at the core of which are prophets. History proves that cultures that have integrated the Jews prospered, whereas those which in failing hierarchies, D-despise Jews to A-avoid them as a pretext to S-suppress them in J-jealousy, eventually collapsed. And that applied just as well when the Old Testament Israelites sinned against the essences#13 of the Creator-centred culture themselves! As soon as King Solomon supported life-disrupting PRE-occultism, and in Jesus' time, the pre-trans-trapping Pharisees and Scribes who had him crucified, made Israel fall apart. Jesus provoked this to ultimately demonstrate that man-made disruption does not have the last word!
  • Similarly, even if philosophy had the last word for millenniums, after the real human beings, Kepler and Newton, their relevant mathematics#1 took over from personally neutral#2 common language to do justice to the inanimate universe. Physics, with the relevant#1 mathematics, in its own right, then allowed modeling of the laws of nature without its disruption with ignorant arguments#0, and despite the Vatican's arrogance#2 in attempting to inquisitively suppress understanding, in jealousy of the higher power, faculty#1 has released! It took some 250 years after Galileo for the Vatican to admit, that he cannot command the laws of nature with its disruptively inquisitive rhetoric.
  • Neither anything goes#0 expressions, nor personal neutral wordy denotations#2, nor content-free#1 numbers and other mathematical concepts can do justice to any human system (individuals, their relationships, teams, national mentalities, cultures); in our existence, each of us is born open to the formal#0>#2>#1 TRAP, to the end of more or PRE-less using what we were TRAP-taught about them, to generate one's own TRANS-life with it and beyond, according to our innate principle of relationship B4-truths which pave our B3-path to our personally relevant B5-life's fulfilling our X-existential OPTION II as part of the solution in eustress with synergy with others like that, or disoriented, under some collective's OPTION I, of wasting one's life as part of the problem.

Q&A to clarify what I can only indicate here

SCREEN SHARING is required for your satisfaction; to overcome the culturally conditioned dead-end argumentation of people, unwilling to consider the H2-superior order to be understood. WHY? Plain text writing and arguing frame our brain into the MATRIX of the three organized faculties#0#2#1's hierarchies! Under their OPTION I, its lowest intellectual rung#13, about the bottom-up relations truths, is pre-trans-traped, suppressed as a nuisance for top-down.

  • TemplePriests#00>02>01 divide to rule ideology are exposed#03 (by Tempel#0-Prophets#3, such as Jesus, when he outburst and flipped business tables over near the entrance to the temple, Franz of Assisi who was just good enough when the Pope was on his death bed), then
  • the >20>22>21 Palace#2 mob is mobbing Palace#2-Prophets#3,
  • the #10>12>11 People#1 mob, slander People#1-Prophets#3 as irrelevant, not understandable by them, pleased as 'sheople' - up to the execution of the industrial holocaust...

Here is what Applied Personal Science is about

(Unsupported https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKEh91XTtkI&feature=youtu.be)

Now I exemplify the mentioned parametrization of my options with X=9Pp of Pp-preparing Function 9 basic processes, the one out of 1728 possible open-ended generative principles which does justice to my inner potential OPTION I part of the problem, and my OPTION II-fulfillment of my part of the solution (horizontal time X-axis) in 5-year cycles of §1230B12345H1234L123 in the context of the OPTION I world of the OPTION I wordy world of the collective I have interactions with.


You may right-click the above image to open it in another Tab for reference as we proceed further down. Please consider, that the following table is also available in German, where I use some different mnemonic abbreviations for the same functional, cultural free existential oegp-concepts.

This is to be read like music notes for an inner experience of walking a mile in my shoes rather than intellectually disrupting my §1-way of expressions, with the words and the operational tags I use for open-ended functionally generating, principal concepts.

  • This requires me to fulfill my §1-existential right myself; in my case, to fulfill my h-living space as part of the solution of TRANScending it in eustress, open for synergy with all concerned,
  • AND your goodwill to refrain from the common arguing as if it concerns opinions and reacting to words with category errors and non-sequiturs as in the media politics.
  • PRE-temperamentful discussions to cement your TRAP-intellectual comfort zone make no sense in the existential context - they will lead to my preventative emergency brake as to be outlined!
  • Insisting on pre-trans-trapping, is like arguing with a conductor of an orchestra and engaging the musicians with arguing toward mobbing the conductor with foul playing one's instruments in disrespect for the note sheet of the composer which demands to be experienced to the full before critics should speak up.
  • On the 'note sheet' above my life-line, the X-being, is the conductor of my 'life-symphony', and my 15 other inner states of being, denoted by h,y,...J, the musicians, while the audience is the 8 insubstantial states is on the vertical-OPTION I axis: Beware, my permutation h,y,...J is one of the existing 144 points of view for real human systems, while some parameters on the horizontal axis have 12 further option, leading to the 1728 possible oegps as introduces above.

Recently I talked to an intellectually minded composer; he tried to disrupt my L123-introduction to APS with his opinionated thinking-catastrophes as if there would be no relationship truths in real life. But of course, he assumes that there are rules to be observed by any composer of music, and words. With his approach to existential relationship truths, if applied to composing music, which would result in a cacophony, typical for media discussions where 'anything goes' that demeans anybody in %1-politically correct ways! That is the point, where my tolerance is misused, and my ** AE.V.T emergency breaks** come in with my temperament consisting of

  • L1-AE: A-avoiding the nonsense of E-jealousy in view of power games when it comes to a supposedly L1-loving engagement, where I essentially aim for an existential b-balance - see the corresponding line to the right bottom
  • L2-V: V-pushing such disruption away, where L2-timely project-oriented exchange of competence is required, in my X=9Pp case, myself becoming !-essential towards
  • L3-T: an T-incorruptible point of view, when, possibly before the otherwise overstepping the point of NO return; only L3-reframing avoids thinking catastrophes mutating into human catastrophes! That requires my existential J-selves' justification state of being - see the last L3-J column in the same table as above:


So before I clashed with the mentioned critical intellectually minded one, I walked away, M-manipulating the sand of frustration from my shoes, taking O-substantially oriented, responsibility for M/O=STRESS<DEATH; even that necessity, he pretended he does not understand! He remained stubbornly independent of any truth, critical, pretending to be in a good mood, proudly part of the problem with the zeitgeist majority in his world of undue disruption. So let us reframe the above M/O to AI/EX=STRESS<DEATH:

  • Obviously, any intelligence detached from existence, i.e. as artificial of whatever kind, serves the disruption typical for the self-destructive OPTION I E-evolution with its pre-trans-trapping, such as evoked by the intellectual-zeitgeist-denotational M-manipulation.

What the App offers for a specific X out of 1728 possible ones

The highlight of this app is its summing up of my R&D since 1980 with modeling thousands of human systems worldwide with APS. In each of the above three TRANS-TRAP-PRE levels above, are the 16, 3x3 tables of the nine CI-channels between the relevant C-collective of an I-individuals' inner states of being, here, mine with X=9Pp-IA, challenged for an appropriate o-output by my I-individual A-awareness - it is sometimes unavoidable that some abbreviations have different meanings in different contexts, even when insubstantial critics slander this, lacking the openness for the inner and outer work required for the possible synergy. So, there is no need for you to uselessly resist with your three T-AE-V temperamentful 'emergency breaks'. So let us continue to make sense of my 'life-symphony's three lines:

  • The lowest line, shows the 4 KI-channels of ?0-*3 +2/-4 PRE-childish OPTION I inessential states of ?0-illusory visioning, *3-ego-survival reactions, +2 towards more of the same fun, avoiding -4 stress about M/O-consequences to my 16 OPTION II §BHL essential states of being, hycM fSpI X vtRa b!J - to be explained in a SCREEN SHARING relevant for your X-being.
  • The middle line, then TRAP-intellectual one with %1-political correctness (thesis), %5-its manipulation (antithesis), %6-Projection (synthesis) all three attempting to get some %-majority support to gain attention in some ZG-zeitgeist realm for fame, business, and power.
  • The upper line, containing all 8 dark inner, in themselves, insubstantial evil OPTION I voices, provides a realistic basis for TRANScending its self-destructiveness indication the parameters for fulfilling my 16 essential states of being in my life symphony'.

Now let us complete the §1-h 3x3 table on the left top, beginning with

  • my h-living space; I am left alone, undisrupted by OPTION I (otherwise with pink background) in the social impact dimension of the to be Pe-established process (cyan background),
  • so, its specific E-evolution can be h-ruled with a relevant system.
  • In the other 6 channels (pink background) I get disrupting interferences from collectives: such as
  • being in an institution#1 in the role as a prophet#3, e.g. on the lowest rung #13 in the intellectual hierarchy
  • in trying to qualify my h-OPTION II essential state in dealing with what otherwise ends up >1 very badly in my h-living space's E-evolution due to my F2-doing in Pe-establishing processes.

Now compare the difference in free (cyan) and disrupted cells (pink background) of the middle-%156-ZG intellectual TRAP-clustering, and the ?0-3 +2/-4 PRE-childish clustering. They have more free connections due to the corresponding ignorance about %156-ZG on the one hand, and the arrogance about the concerns ?0-3 +2/-4 of less %-ZG intellectually conditioned people.


The rest is to go through the remaining 15 essential states (§2, §3-c,... L3-J) fulfillment. At last, but not least, let us look below at the line beginning with "tolerance:

  • It shows my emotional interference of T-assuming tension, A-anger about disappointment, and G-guilt about stressful disruption by forcing the issue beyond the point of NO return; and then with openness, the possible grace to get my X-existence, in my case, my B5-life restored. This allows some Christians to talk about having been reborn out of a sinful life. APS began with modeling the X-TAG-X emotional grace cycle, which too many people rather manage to disrupt; with intellectual OPTION I arrogance, and/or with temperamentful ignorance about the consequence of thus selling their OPTION II short to the ZG-zeitgeist...
  • And what is amazing, on that line you also find the interferences by my k-body, e-soul (capability to experience my OPTION II), and g-spirit (capability to come with certainty, to conclusions among my options), and in the squares,
  • my temperamentful temptation of A-avoiding certain challenges with E-jealousy, V-suppressing the disturbance/scapegoat, and T-despising it. The light green background indicates the 5-year-growth cycle I am now in my 78th year (born 1944) of getting clarity about L3-framing J-my X-self justified existence, as you see indicated there, after clarifying making this kind of parameterization operational.

Call to Action

We are, since Nov. 24, 2016, still in a world in the AGE OF DISRUPTION, and in post-Humanism since Aug. 18, 2022. The next trend-leading ZG-intellectuals begin to deny humanity its existence, now after having formatted people created in their "human" image! Since Sept. 8, 2022, it seems that the deceased Queen Elisabeth II will have been the last public figure with a fulfilled life, shared with the entire world her 70-year reign of dwindling Great Britain and its Commonwealth. She lived well with a profound commitment to serving the people of some 2.5 billion people in her realm.

I hope that I have given you the H1-hope justifies in the H2-superior order relevant to your OPTION II, by which you can still become part of the solution.

So let us organize a SCREEN SHARING in which I can bring the above image to your inner life to the point of us

  • Initializing L2-timely project-oriented exchange of competence (connect with me via pm[ad]think-systems.ch, with the subject, "L2-call for a Screen Sharing Session"), then
  • Scaling up the introduction of the 4. faculty of science to
  • substantially optimizing it, on, and towards networking on Life-Fulfilling-Platforms,
  • sufficiently beyond the unresolved necessity suppressed by the three traditional faculties#0>#2>#1 with their institutions, media, and universities, towards synergy in eustress,
  • together making use of our §1-right for existential expression by making use of our mind and brain to
  • access our X-innate potential, the precondition for a §2-desirably §0-sustainable living together on Earth
  • with §3-integrity in the B1-belief as the first connection to the G2-breakthrough of reel human beings to their B3-path, in B4-truth,
  • towards our B5-life's fulfillment in the personally relevant H1-hope,
  • justified in H2-tuning into the superior order now modeled in its personal relevance for any human system,
  • made possible, with a H3-sense of reality about the Creation, and the H4-understanding of one's impact and that of others
  • involved in L1-engaging living and cooperating with each other towards
  • L2-timely project-oriented exchange of competence, where beyond its limits, towards the necessary
  • L3-reframing one's OPTION I part of the problem with OPTION II to be able to remain part of the solution and leave a legacy for the next generation.

[ENGLISH Blogs] [MyActivities with Apps]

18.11.22 14:10

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