50 Years ago the Internet was born. Not too long ago, the Internet was a phenomenon ...

... to most, complex, confusing, and really only for tech-savy people. Many believed that it wouldn’t last and that if they would ignore the Internet, it would at some point just go away. With great technologies, in the beginning no one really knows how it works or can predict the impact it will have in the future. Social Media today was something people started actually using less than 10 years ago.

Imagine if you were one of the first ones in 1995 to realize that the internet was going to become what it is today, and social media would play such a dominant role in our society. “social media influencer” has become a new career choice, “youtubers” “instagram models” etc. and “making money online” through amazon, blogs and other things is a concept that we accept as a norm today.

It is in our human nature to believe that things will always be as they are and it’s hard to imagine that we live in an ever changing world where technology has drastically increased the speed of change. But that’s the reality. We truly live in the greatest era of all time and with the next big invention after the Internet: Blockchain Technology, we have the power to re-shape the world in a positive way, bring freedom, fairness, light in the dark and welcome a new Era, where the power belongs to the people.

And how do we spark the revolution and get the masses on board to use Blockchain and Crypto? By introducing them to what the light-switch is for electricity - a gateway, an easy to use application that lets them earn crypto and benefit from the technology without having to understand how it works.

💡 Appics 📲 the movement has begun, it‘s still early days and I‘m enjoying our community of early adopters, disrupters, cryptopreneurs. 2020 will be a big year for all of us and I’m excited for everything that’s to come and everyone who’s apart of the journey. Ending the day with a grateful heart! 💜


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