Working with VXG Player SDK

I have been working on RTMP Live player. After so much searches and sighs, I am now working on VXG player sdk for building the mobile app for playing a live stream.


I am referring this you tube video for the development and the first error I encounter is “Error : Ambiguous method call. Both findViewById (int) in AppCompactActivity and Activity”. I am very new to android development which is why this error made me startle at first.

error image.png

Now there comes the solution:-

  • Removing import , which I hadn't use.

  • Performing File >Invalidate Caches / Restart”, but it didn't work in my case

  • Updating your build tools version to the latest 27.0.3 buildToolsVersion '27.0.2' ,which worked for me.

Finally, moving on to the next step in development. :)

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