Sometimes you have to know when to apologize.

I made it. My first mistake on Hive. Those who know me well must wonder what went through my mind.

A few hours ago, I published a post about an account list that I personally use to consider whether I make an upvote or not.

I will not redeploy here all my arguments, counter-arguments on my reasons for doing so. I was mainly targeting Steem "hardcore" supporters coming to milk the Hive reward pool and thus deprive the Hive writers of a better payout they deserve. This is what really pisses me off.

When you're tired, you sometimes do stupid things. In this case, it was adding a small sentence about me potentially doing downvotes on posts from people publishing both on Steem and Hive.

This is unusual from me since I am not one to do downvotes. I made only 497 of them in 4 years, the vast majority towards Justin Sun and Steemit when they started their shit on the Steem blockchain. That says it all.

This is all the more surprising since I have forged my reputation on the blockchain by trying to bring a positive and fun touch at all times.

For many, my sentence was perceived as a threat, abuse of power or even bullying. Others have also imagined that I wanted to proselytize and forbid the publication of their Hive content on other media.

Although it was never my intention, I can understand that it was perceived that way.

I also underestimated the influence I could have. I am surprised myself. Probably because, being naturally humble, I don't see myself as having that much.

Lesson learned. With great power comes great responsibility.


  • I'm sorry if you felt threatened or bullied.
  • I'm sorry if you felt limited in your freedom to post your content on the media of your choice.

I apologize!

It was not my intention to do so and I will try in the future to be more attentive when I communicate personal opinions.

Thanks for reading.

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