Is This Your First Apocalypse? How Humanity Will Win This

Are you wondering every day what on Earth is happening to the world?

Is this your first apocalypse?


Fall of the US Dollar

As a Holistic Internet Conspiratologist (HIC), I've studied my share of fictional apocalyptic scenarios, but we conspiratologists also tend to boast our understanding of the true meaning of that word, 'apocalypse'.

Us conspiratards will gleefully grab a dictionary and show that the word apocalypse simply means 'to uncover', or unveil. With that understanding, it becomes clear exactly which particular people might see an unveiling of the truth as doomsday. Nobody will have much success trying to hide anything during a good ole apocalypse!

If this really is the Great Unveiling, we will probably be dealing with our own internal revelations, and things could get awkward in there.

Here in Year Zero (formerly known as the 27th of March, 2020), the amount of information that's streaming into the world has been increasing at a phenomenal rate, events happening so often that it feels like time itself has broken the speed limit. Verily, as everything races into the great awakening that we are now experiencing, the sorcerers who had been able to control the mind of a civilization are just as quickly running out of tricks.

O we crafty and nimble humans! They tried to separate us by race, by class and by age. We humans only got tighter, with our knowing glances, expressions that never made the news. They tried to divide us by geographic region, but we Earthlings got together via chat rooms and internet forums. A human subculture formed organically, so they tried to isolate us from each other in self-quarantine, but we only got tighter, and we even began to remember our powers.

What is being unveiled to us all is our true powers during this apocalypse. It will become clear that Extra Sensory Perception isn't at all 'extra' but instead is how we naturally communicate anyway. We've just gotten lazy, infected with a language that has been weaponized against us.

When we collectively installed the app that is language, we didn't read the terms of service, we just started blabbing a world into existence. When the group mind then formed its own voice, it became so loud that we could no longer hear ourselves thinking it all into reality.

Humanity is like a great 3D printer, one that doesn't fully know it yet. Before, we were programmed to print a world that we couldn't really live in. Now as the revealing progresses, we will unlearn all of our previous blueprints and schematics as we make a world that we actually like.

We HICs are here to help during these traumatic times. We've studied the possibilities of an apocalypse. We ultimately saw a different conscious co-creation for ourselves-- a more human-friendly story. The possible reality that we are describing is a place that defies those many dystopian Disney versions of our precipitated imaginations, those dismal worlds that the real sorcerers would like to have the human children visualize and collectively create. We can see what they are trying to do now.

Humanity is going to have something more human in mind.

Artwork above is mine, oil on illustration board, 2003

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