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Ape Mining Club Mobile Improvements


Ape Mining Club was always intended to be a PC focused experience, primarily due to Hive Keychain requirements. It was never my plan to support mobile devices primarily due to the Hive Keychain requirement and my practice of avoiding transfering of funds on mobile devices.

A few people have expressed interest in being able to use it on mobile devices, and while it works it is a really difficult experience due to layout issues.

I made a few tweaks to the game to allow it to format a little more usable on mobile. It is still not optimized for mobile but it should be far more usable now.

When I have time, I will look to make further improvements to improve the mobile experience.

These changes should also improve desktop experience with really small screens.

I did some testing using Hive Keychain Mobile app and was able to use without any problems. So it is possible to use the application on iOS & Android devices now.

I hope to spend some time improving the mobile experience even more. Until then, it should be quite usable, albeit not pretty.

Leave a comment below if this helps or if you still have problems.

If you haven't heard, you can now delegate Hive Power to @apeminingclub to earn APE tokens daily. These tokens come from our dev share of APE and does not increase inflation. You can read more here.