Seven wonders of the world in ancient times.Part6.

The lighthouse of Alexandria

The lighthouse of Alexandria is considered one of the Seven wonders of antiquity. The lighthouse was on the island of Pharos near the coast of the Egyptian city of Alexandria. The history of the lighthouse is associated with the founding of this city of Ancient Egypt. In fact, the city is compared to other ancient Egyptian cities, not so ancient. He appeared in 332 BC, thanks to the famous conqueror of Ancient Egypt – Alexander the great.
Very carefully Alexander the great chose the location of the future city. He defined the area of settlement in the Delta of the Nile, 20 miles South, though, it would seem that the Delta cross two major water routes: by sea and on the Nile river. And yet the city was founded a little apart from the Delta to the waters of the great river did not score the silt and sand of the city's harbour. Alexandria was conceived as a major trading center at the intersection of river, sea and land routes of three continents. Such a centre was to have its own well-protected harbour.
For the equipment of such harbour it was necessary to conduct a number of major engineering and construction works. The first task was the construction of a Causeway linking the shore with the island of Pharos, and also the construction of the breakwater protecting the Harbor from sand and silt, which many branches of the Nile Delta in abundance are sea.
As a result, city were two great harbors. One of them was intended for merchant ships arriving from the Mediterranean sea, the other took ships going through the river Nile.
In 323 BC Alexander died, and soon after, the city passed into the possession of the new ruler of Egypt - Ptolemy I Soter.
During his reign Alexandria became a rich and prosperous port city, and not the last role was played by the construction of the lighthouse.
The task of the lighthouse was to ensure the safety of navigation in coastal waters, and this increased volume of trade through the port of Alexandria. Coast of Egypt is characterized by a monotonous landscape – it is dominated by lowlands and plains, and for successful navigation to seamen always needed extra checkpoints: signal fire before the entrance to the Harbor of Alexandria. However, this task could be performed by the beacon is much lower. Even a lighthouse with a height of 35 m and the height of another ancient wonder – the colossus of Rhodes) for this purpose would be somewhat excessive.
Most likely, the most important function of the lighthouse of Alexandria was part of the security from attacks by sea, the capital of the Ptolemies. From the sea could pose the greatest threat to Egypt, which from the attacks of the enemy on land was naturally protected by the desert.
It is to detect the enemy at a considerable distance from the shore needed a vantage point to considerable heights. This was particularly relevant due to the lack of near Alexandria any natural hills in which you can arrange the observation points.
The construction of such a magnificent building required significant intellectual, financial and human resources that would be difficult to draw in a turbulent time of war. However, by the beginning of the third century, created favorable conditions for the start of construction. At this time, taking the title of king, Ptolemy took Syria, having withdrawn as slaves in Egypt huge number of Jews. Other important events were the conclusion of peace between Sterom Ptolemy and Demetrius with it [poliorket] it in 299 BC, and death the worst enemy of Ptolemy – the Antigone, and the partition of his Kingdom between the diadochi.
It was after 299 BC and began the construction of the lighthouse on the island Pharos. To name the exact date of construction is difficult. Called the 290, 285, etc. BC
The island of Pharos in the year 285 BC and was connected by a Causeway with the mainland, which greatly facilitates the construction work.
According to the testimony of ancient authors, the lighthouse was located on the Eastern shore of the island of Faros.
The lighthouse at Pharos was not at all similar to most modern facilities of this type – thin single towers. He looked more like a futuristic skyscraper.
Until today, keep accurate information about the size and design of the lighthouse of Alexandria.
The height of the lighthouse was between 120 to 180 m. It was a three-tiered tower, whose walls were made of mortared together with a mixture of lead stones.
The base of the lighthouse had a strong Foundation in the form of a square of granite or limestone with side length of about 180 – 190 m. At this site there was the Palace or fortress with four towers at the corners. This is the lower tier of the lighthouse resembled a massive box. Along the walls inside passed the ramp, up which he could climb a horse-drawn cart.
The second tier was built in the shape of an octagonal tower, and the third tier of the lighthouse of Alexandria was like a cylinder topped with leaning on a column with a dome. On top of the dome proudly looked at the world a huge statue of the God Poseidon, Lord of seas. The fire burned on the ground under it. Preserved evidence that ships could see the light this lighthouse at a distance of sixty and even a hundred km.
Inside the two upper floors held the shaft with a lifting mechanism to deliver to the top of the fuel for the fire.
A spiral staircase led along the wall to the top of the lighthouse led by her attendants and visitors was raised on a platform, where was burning a fire signal. There was a massive concave mirror, in all probability, made of polished metal. It was supposed to reflect and amplify the light of the fire. According to sources, the bright reflected light in the night pointed to the ships the way to the Harbor, and the day he is raised up visible from afar a huge smoke column.
The lighthouse of Alexandria immediately upon completion of construction has been recognized as one of the seven wonders of the world, becoming the admiration of the ancient world. Its silhouette is depicted on the vessels, were minted on the coins were cast and cut in the form of souvenir statuettes of Greek and Roman travelers. The lighthouse became the symbol of Alexandria. In glowing terms he described the lighthouse Strabo and Pliny the Elder.
Almost 1000 years had indicated to the courts the way the lighthouse of Alexandria. The earthquake slowly destroyed him. In 1183 he still stood on the island, this year, Alexandria was visited by the traveller Ibn Jabar. A Grand building is so shocked him that he exclaimed: "No description can't convey its beauty, not enough eyes to look at his eyes, and to tell about the greatness of this spectacle, not enough words!". Alexandria Bay to the XII century is so filled with silt that ships could no longer use it. The lighthouse fell into disrepair. In the XIV century it was completely destroyed by an earthquake. The Mamluk Sultan qaitbay in 1480 built on the Foundation of the lighthouse fortress, which received the name of its Creator. The fortress that stands to this day.
Interesting facts about the lighthouse of Alexandria

The lighthouse was built in Alexandria, founded by Alexander the great. The great commander laid in different parts of his vast Empire at least 17 cities with the same name. Disappeared almost all of these cities. Only Egypt and Alexandria thrived for many centuries, and thrives to this day.
The lighthouse was designed by [sostrat] from Cnidii. Ptolemy II, who inherited the throne after his father, Ptolemy Soter, wished that was broken on the rocks only his Royal name, and to him that is revered as the Creator of the lighthouse of Alexandria. [Sostrat], proud of his creation, has found a way to perpetuate his name. He knocked a sign on the stone wall: "[sostrat], son of Exifone, knives, devoted to gods, the saviors of the health of seamen!", then he covered this inscription with a layer of plaster, and on top was written the name of Ptolemy. Centuries passed, and the plaster crumbled, opening the world the name of the true Builder of the lighthouse.
-Lighthouse of Alexandria – the seventh wonder of the world – actually is the eighth wonder. The second wonder of the world before it was built was considered the walls of Babylon. When the lighthouse was built, and the public was so amazed by this outstanding construction, the walls of Babylon were simply removed from the list of Seven wonders of the world and made him a beacon as the latest, newest miracle.
-Around the world spread the news of the Miracle, and the lighthouse became known by the name of the Faroese Islands or just Pharos. Later, the word "Pharos" as a symbol of the lighthouse, entrenched in many languages (French, Spanish, Romanian).
-And in the Russian language from him was the word "light."

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