Seven wonders of the world in ancient times.Part3.

The statue of Zeus at Olympia

The statue of Zeus at Olympia -- the History of this wonder of the world is associated with the ancient Greek city of Olympia and the Olympic games. The city of Olympia is located in the North-Western part of the Peloponnese. He was one of the most sacred places of Ancient Greece, the island of peace, uniting all the Hellenic tribes. Here never no Greek did not raise the sword against another Greek. It was a place where honestly the best competed with the best — not only athletes, but artists, scientists, and poets.
As now, the Olympic games were held every four years. For the duration of the games in Ancient Hellas was declared a sacred truce. The Olympic games had to unite
its scattered city-States.
The architectural ensemble of the Olympia happened to the VII-IV centuries BC, there were countless marble and bronze sculptures of Olympic winners and men who had merits for Greece, poets, scientists, musicians, generals, statesmen, and ordinary soldiers. The main architectural structure was the temple of Zeus.
Games have gained increasing political significance, therefore, in the V century BC, it was decided to build a new Church, richer and higher than the former.
The construction lasted for more than 15 years and now, in 456 BC there was a magnificent temple, designed by architect Lebanon. In appearance he was like the other famous Greek Sanctuaries – the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus and the Parthenon in Athens.
The temple of Zeus at Olympia was built on a rectangular raised platform, thirteen huge stone pillars supported the roof. A total of 34 pillars, each of them had a height of 10 meters and diameter 2 meters. On the pediments has a large bas-reliefs, which depicted the 12 labors of Hercules. All the Sanctuary was a marble. The huge entrance to the temple with its massive bronze doors-the gates reaches a height of 10 meters. The temple consisted of three parts: in the Central hall on a floor of red granite, bordered by white marble, stood a black stove - pedestal the statue of Zeus.
For the manufacture of the statue of Zeus at Olympia it was decided to invite from Athens the famous sculptor Phidias. He was given the task to create something out of the ordinary, unprecedented, and the wizard lived up to its expectations.
The size of the statue of Olympian Zeus by description of witnesses was impressive – 13 metres in height (and according to some 17 meters). It was installed on a hill with a height of approximately 1 meter and a width of 6.5 meters. The sculpture of the deity corresponds to the height of a 4-storey building. The basic material for the statue served as ivory. The sculptor used a special technique, which consisted in the fact that would on a wooden frame layering sheets of metal and ivory.
Phidias was able to exactly calculate the size of the sculpture – so that it is in height almost touched the ceiling, but did not touch it. Surprisingly, the statue of Zeus seemed even greater than it was actually! The basis of the figure was carved from wood, but from the eyes of visitors it was hidden in ivory and gold.
At the foot of the statue of Phidias ordered to arrange the pool, which was filled with water, and top with olive oil. The light from the open door falling on the pool surface and reflected from it is almost black, oily surface, a sheaf of enveloping the face and shoulders of Zeus. The statue itself is constantly smeared with olive oil for what would be ivory is not cracked.
Zeus sat on a throne in a majestic pose — one hand holding the scepter, and the other with a statue of the goddess of victory, Nike. Beard, hair, robe and sandals of Zeus was Golden, the head adorned with olive wreath. Waist naked body, face, arms and legs created from polished ivory of the highest quality. From the brilliant, shiny person of the Godhead was glowing, his eyes sparkled with a mystical fire. Zeus suppressed, forced to feel the animal's sense of fear and awe bogolepova. The most impressionable pilgrims prostrated, and could not raise his head, afraid to feel the glance of deity.
Phidias was very proud of his creation, and often watched, hidden in the depths of the temple, the reaction of the visitors. The statue is often brought gifts, which were mounted directly to the throne or the figure of the Thunderer.
News about the statue of Zeus at Olympia immediately spread through the ancient world, it was named one of the Seven wonders of the world.
Masterpiece has lived a fairly long life. In the first half of IV century BC Zeus presided over the Olympic games, but came to power the Roman Emperor Theodosius I, who took the time to Christianity. The ruler had banned all pagan revels of the Greeks, including the Olympic games. In the year 392 the temple was closed.
Later, the statue of Zeus from Olympia was moved to Constantinople. In the V century Palace of the Roman Emperor in Constantinople was burned, and with it the genius of Phidias.
In the place where once stood the temple of Zeus in Olympia the first archaeological excavations were carried out in 1829. A group of French scientists found the outline of the Temple, fragments of sculptures and bas-reliefs depicting the labours of Hercules. Now these items are stored in the Louvre.
In 1875, in Olympia worked the German archaeologists who found many fragments of sculptures, as well as the Foundation of the Temple, including the famous swimming pool where splashing water with olive oil.
The ruins of the temple of Zeus at Olympia and now attract thousands of tourists, but now from the majestic building nothing but garbage and a few crumbling pillars left.

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