RE: Seriously? 365 or Life?

Congratulations! I have to say that I literally laughed out loud about gangstalking. You have to appreciate the consistency. He wasn't voting my posts for a while, and it worried me (did it, Harlow? Mmm...)

When I lived in Victoria, there used to be a man who stood on a certain corner and yelled at traffic. He had signs to inform us that: a) the apocalypse was nigh and b) we sinners were doomed.

One day, he was not there. For several weeks, he was not there. I think most people didn't really care, but it bugged me. Where is Crazy Apocalypse Sign guy?

Then, about a month later, he was back, just as nutty as ever.

It just goes to show: everyone needs a vacation once in a while. Or he was sick. Or got arrested. Or locked up. But I prefer to imagine that he decided he needed a vacay from telling us we are all doomed. In fairness, he is probably right, but for the wrong reasons. Lol.

Geez... I do veer off topic. They call it divergent thinking and oops, there I go again.

I thought I would leave Hive after one week. I had a big, memorable, embarrassing tantrum about it. Then, I decided to stay. It's not perfect, but I am glad I stayed.

Hive really is more than just one thing.

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