The endless war on terror and what it culminates in.


What I am about to write will not be popular with some, or possibly a lot of you, but when has that ever stopped me?

Today is the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the citizens of the USA. Because I have done many, many hours of research on the events of that day, I personally am convinced that the official story and narrative of those events are lies, more lies, and even more lies. I am convinced that there are those inside the halls of power, here and abroad, that perpetuated those attacks to achieve their aims of the endless "war on terror" and to provide just a prelude, with the Patriot Act, to begin the confiscation of our sovereignty and our freedoms.

Yes, my heart hurts for the thousands of lives lost here on that day, and the ramifications that have continued for many families with long term illness and death who dug through that rubble and breathed all sorts of toxins and poisons into their lungs, all while our "government agencies" told them, "it is safe".

My heart also aches for the death and destruction of millions more (mostly brown people) in foreign countries that this event provided the excuse for, sold to us too trusting and naive citizens under the guise of a new "war on terrorism" to invade, exploit, steal and plunder, and ultimately pretty much destroy their lives and their nations.

Yes, this is a huge event. But, it is not what you might believe it is. I am on no prescription drugs. I do have hypertension, possibly because I just think too much. However, I for one will not be turning my TV on today because the propaganda that will be thrust upon us by our global corporate overlord controlled media just might induce a heart attack.

If you already know all of this, well good for you. If you don't, maybe you should stop and think, just for a minute.

The global grand reset movement, which began way before 9/11, but is culminating now with the rona hysteria and fascist draconian measures to contain a "bad flu" is the final great sucking sound of your life disappearing as a free human.