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Kokkoku: a thriller science fiction Ep 1 review

A great way for people to watch this is to see the opening. From the official yt:

Episode 1 was overall satisfying. I can feel the madhouse style from the art, the animation is great, the premise was interesting enough to list it on my 'watch-until-last-episode' list. The source media is a finished manga work so there is less chance of this one getting a clusterf*d end. So far i hope this one succeeds as a great adaptation.

Another interesting thing about this was the animation studio: Studio Geno. SG was founded on 2015, which easily makes them the youngest animation studio company as of this writing, consisted of the remnants of the now defunct manglobe studio. This is their second animation work and also their first animated TV Series. Now, will they be able to continue doing quality shows like this? Or will they eventually fall like their former studio. I bid good luck to them.

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