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Interesting facts about animals

As you know, man's best friend — the dog. I would not limited only to chetyrehlistnyj, and took all the animals to the best friends of humanity. After all, any representative of the animal world in an amazing way with your presence brightens and gladdens our life. There is a huge variety of interesting facts about animals that we never knew existed. So today we are talking about interesting facts about animals, insects, birds, fish and other representatives of the living world. In General all the fun that could make us wonder.

So, interesting facts about our little friends.

1.Did you know that the hen produces about 200 eggs per year.
2.Chow Chow the only dog with no pink tongue.

3.Long-term memory of a goldfish is only 3 seconds.
4.Hammerhead sharks at a time can make a brood in the amount of 30-40 sharks.
5.The first animal to walk on the moon – turtle.
6.Camel easily can live without water for 2 weeks.
7.Rats can live the longest without water.
8.In the Amazon river lives a unique pink Dolphin.

9.Tortoise similar duration of their lives with people. People and centenarians are those that reach 100 years.
10.Invertebrates constitute about 95% of living organisms on our planet.
11.Just a long history of studying the flora and fauna, the scientists counted about 1 million. 100 thousand species of arthropods, 9 thousand species of mammals, over 24 thousand species of fish, reptiles 8 thousand, 5 thousand of amphibians, and 260 thousand species of plants.
12.Just imagine a tarantula can go without food for about 2 years.
13.Did you know this interesting fact that ants do not sleep?
14.Favorite color of mosquitoes is blue.
15.Most mosquitoes like to bite children.
16Attacus Atlas – the largest moth. Its wingspan reaches up to 30 inches

17.Cats hate being touched. For them it is even a little stress.
18.By the way, mosquitoes suffer most of the mankind of Earth, and some of the cases end fatally.
19.There are about 2500 species of mosquitoes.
20.Lobsters have blue tint of blood.
21.The peacock's tail, or rather its feathers, a length of approximately 2 meters.

22.Some of the living creatures on Earth that do not root – sharks.
23.Dolphins, sleeping with one eye always open.
24.A baby elephant nurtured for 22 months, and the North American opossum – a total of 8 days.
25.Insects breathe with all your body because of the light they have.
26.The largest animal on earth –the blue whale.
27.An adult beaver can reach weights equal to 30 kg.
28.Just imagine the weight of a blue whale's tongue is about the same as the weight of the average elephant.
29.The length of the Hummingbird-bee is approximately 5 inches.

30.Ostriches, the male cares for the postponed eggs.
31.Interesting fact, during the six months under good conditions 2 rats can give birth to offspring about 1 million persons.
32.Cows, horses and elephants always sleep standing up.
33.Killing a Panda in China is punishable by death.
34.Imagine the cockroach is one of those insects that can live without a head until they die from starvation.
35.Dogs have a level of charm is 100 times better than humans.
36.Squirrels often forget where they have hidden seeds, and due to this grow hundreds of plants.
37.Steklenica is one of the most unusual butterflies. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that her wings are transparent.

38.The teeth of the shark are refreshed every 8 days.
39.Size the giant squid is so large that only one of his eyes is the same size as a basketball.
40.Jellyfish appeared on Earth before dinosaurs.
41.Interesting facts about animals, or about the wolves, they howl on the moon, and to communicate with his flock.
42.The famous kangaroo pouch is only for females.
43.The Land is about 3 unique white rhinos.
44.School of fish may be composed of 1 billion individuals of the same species.

45.Hamsters have very poor eyesight, but in addition, also in black and white.
46.The name of well-known insect "ladybug" in all languages of the world is inextricably linked to God and heaven.
47.The first animal cloned is a sheep.
48.One of the most beautiful fish fish-lionfish.

49.Proteins per week eat the amount of food equal to their body weight.
50.Raccoons, like bears, hibernate in winter.
51.Dolphins, like humans have lungs, not gills.
52.The number of needles reaches the average hedgehog about 10 thousand.
53.The baby giraffe begins walking within an hour after his birth, to be in line with the pack
54.Tigers in night vision 6 times better than humans.
55.The weight is only born elephant is about 100 pounds.
56.The length of the largest turtle that ever lived on our planet reaches about 4 meters.
57.So here look just born Panda.

58.The nest of a Hummingbird in magnitude is equal to the average size of a coin.

59.Hummingbirds hatching the egg, which, like candy TIC TACs.
60.Badgers pass their burrows in the inheritance to the descendants.
61.A dog's brain weighs about 100 grams.
62.A cat's brain in the medium weighs about 40 grams.
63.As behind the retina animals have a special substance, the tapetum lucidum, which is not a person, it creates the effect of glow eyes in the dark.
64.Hippos can sleep both on water and on land.
65.Tentacles very unusual crab fluffy.

66.In Switzerland there is a law prohibiting to have Guinea pigs in the singular, only a couple.
67.The octopus has three hearts.
68.The diameter of nutricula jellyfish (Turritopsis nutricula)is only 5 millimeters.
69.Interesting fact that nutricula jellyfish (Turritopsis nutricula, the only immortal human being on the planet.

70.Hamsters are one of the few who are born with teeth.
71.Lately it is not uncommon to see urban birds use cigarette butts to build their nests.
72.Regardless of the height of the fall, the ant will live.
73.The number of strokes the bird's heart during the flight reaches about 1000 times per minute.
74.Males proteins are much more concerned about the state of his fur than females.
75.Proteins also are albinos.

76.Oysters in the early 19th century in England and France, was considered the food of exceptionally poor part of the population.
77.Blue eyes, usually only have white tigers.
78.From the Angora rabbit wool can reach 80 centimeters in lengt

79.A cat can make about 100 different sounds.
80.The dog, in turn, can boast of only 10 different sounds.
81.Fish-the stone fish the most venomous.

82.Ponies are more clever than horses.
83.Seagull, in the case of hunger, may even eat their young.
84.The kite is capable of about 15 minutes to float in the sky, never flap of their wings.
85.The largest brain is the sperm whale, which weighs about 9 kg.
86.An interesting fact that sheep can remember the faces of people.
87.Small dark spots on the skin of the lion cubs disappear.
88.Hedgehogs have 36 teeth.
89.Hyenas from all predators allocates a special level of care for their offspring.
90.Did you know that there is a strawberry crab?

91.Like humans fingerprints are unique, so the dogs ' nose prints.
92.Ostrich egg weight can reach 2 kg.
93.Our favorite Pets are cats devote about 18 hours per day for sleep.
94.When the cat is afraid, she always presses the lugs, and when ready to attack – on the contrary straighten the lugs.
95.In the world known for amazing views of the dove – crowned pigeon.

96.Foxes can be black.
97.From yaks milk is pink.
98.Pygmy marmoset – the smallest monkey in the world. Adult length reaches about 15 centimeters.

99.Guinea pig meat tastes like pork. Perhaps therefore, given the nickname of this animal.
100.The speed of strikes of a woodpecker can be up to 20 times per second.
101.Human teeth can also be found in fish PACU.

It's not all interesting facts about animals, which we do not even suspect. In the world many more interesting things that can surprise any know-it-all.
