Cabin Critters the Luna Moth

Good afternoon and happy Friday!! Up at the cabin I have seen the Luna moth twice. These moths are a beautiful lime green. The first time I saw it I thought it was a bat because of it's size and it was dark out but once I got closer I knew it wasn't.
Lunar Moth.jpg

The Luna Moth is also called American Moon Moth. It is one of the larger moths, its about 3-4.5" long. I believe the one I have a picture of is a male because of the thicker antennas.

The sole purpose of an adult Luna moth is to mate. It has no mouth so it is unable to eat. The Luna moth has a very short life span of one week.

I hope to see more of the Luna moths. They are beautiful and I would like to have more than one picture of them.

Thanks for taking a look. Have a great weekend!!

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