Everyone knows that man's best friend is a dog, but it turns out that  other animals can also do good for others, for example, to save their  lives, showing true courage and dedication. Here are ten reasons why we  should appreciate every animal living on Earth.

10. A cat saved a couple from gas leak

In October 2007, about two o'clock, when Trudy and Greg guy were sleeping in his room, they rushed their cat, Snoul and began to Wake the mistress, paws touching her nose. At first Trudy didn't pay attention to such, as it seemed, pranks, however, persistent and restless behavior of the animal forced the woman to realize that it was something serious. Trudy woke her husband Greg, who examined the house found that in the basement of a burst gas pipe, filling the room threat pungent odor. The family called the emergency services and rushed to leave the house. Arrived on the scene firefighters told the owners that if the cat had not awakened them, they could easily fly into the air. Later, Snoul was awarded "Purple paw" from the Foundation animals of the city of great falls (Montana).

9. Golden Retriever saved the boy from Cougar

January 2, 2010, Austin, 11-year-old boy from British Columbia (Canada), collected in the forest wood together with his faithful and loyal friend, a Golden Retriever named angel. That night the dog did not behave as usual; he was upset about something, and, as it turned out, is no accident. A few meters from the boy noticed the dog and the Cougar, which was preparing to attack. Angel instantly rushed to the predatory animal and took the attack on himself, joining him in an unequal battle. Fortunately, nearby was a police constable, who shot and killed a Cougar, not allowing her to rip the Retriever apart. "He was my best friend, and now became even more expensive for me," said Austin, an angel throwing a big, fat piece of meat.

8. Lions saved a girl from kidnappers

In 2005 in a village in Kenya was kidnapped 12-year-old girl; allegedly, she was forced to marry. In captivity she was about a week. Very strange, but when the police found her, next to her was not the kidnappers, but three huge lion. Apparently, predators looking for prey and stumbled upon a little girl and a group of criminals who have stolen it. The latter, seeing a giant hungry lions, disappeared in seconds, leaving a crying baby alone with the wild cats. However, the lions did not touch the girl, but on the contrary, behaved as if she was their cub.

7. Gorilla saved a three year old boy

In August of 1996 at the Brookfield zoo (Illinois) had an accident: three-year-old boy fell through the fence with a five-meter drop into the aviary, home to a huge gorilla named Binti JUA. From strong blow to the head he lost consciousness and lay there, not moving, in the middle of the fenced Playground. The parents and visitors to the zoo were terrified reactions of the gorillas, whose calm was suddenly disturbed. However, contrary to all fears, Binti JUA calmly walked over to the boy, raised him slightly and carefully and carefully began to inspect the wound on his head. Later came the zoo, they are without any problems taken of the child victim from the cage and gave him the necessary medical care.

6. The pig saved his owner from a heart attack

Semidesyatiletiyu pig named Lulu literally saved the life of his mistress Jo Anne, when she suddenly had a heart attack. Lulu, seeing that the woman became ill, got out of the fenced yard, which was at that moment, and hurried to the highway. She lay flat in the middle of the road in the hope that someone will stop and help Joe. It took about an hour. All this time, disturbed the animal ran it to the highway, then back to her mistress, to make sure that it still holds. Eventually, one car stopped; the driver followed Lulu and seeing what happened, called an ambulance. Jo Anne was taken to the hospital. For the shown courage and dedication of the pig got his favorite treat – jelly.

5. A rabbit saved a man from a diabetic coma

Simon Steggall, at his house in Cambridgeshire, England, fell into a hypoglycemic coma. The man lost consciousness on the couch; his wife Victoria did not attach any importance to this, thinking that he just decided to relax a bit after a hard day's work. Simon lay, not moving, and it looks like he's really sleeping. However, domestic rabbit named Dory immediately suspected that something was wrong. She jumped at Simon and that is urine started hitting his legs, trying to bring to life. Seeing such a strange behavior of the animal, Victoria realized that her husband by no means slept, and hurried to call an ambulance. Subsequently, Dori, for her heroic act was rewarded with membership in the Association for the protection of pet rabbits.

4. Dolphins saved a man from great white shark

When on 28 August 2007, a man named Todd Endris was surfing in Monterey, California, he is suddenly attacked by great white shark. The predator struck to the man some serious damage; he's bleeding, desperately and helplessly flounder in the water, already not hoping to stay alive. At this point it swam a flock of dolphins, they drove the shark, which is clearly not going to leave their victim alone, surrounded Todd and swam with him towards the shore. The man immediately sent to the hospital

3. Horse rescued a woman from an angry cow

When the Scottish farmer, Fiona Boyd was trying to help stray from the herd the little calf to return to her parents, suddenly had his angry mother, a huge cow, weighing half a ton, and attacked a woman, knocked to the ground and hitting her several times with its horns. Fiona began to cry and call for help. Her screams heard horse Kerry, she in a matter of seconds was next to his hostess, and rose to her defense. Kerry began to beat the cow with the hind legs, at this point, Fiona managed to run away to a safe place. Luckily she escaped with only abrasions and bruises.

2. Dog saved owner from the choking by using the Heimlich maneuver

45-year-old resident of rising sun (Maryland), Debbie Parkhurst Friday's day I was home alone and during the lunch snack was accidentally choked on a piece of Apple. The woman began to choke; there was no one around, except for her dog, a Golden Retriever named Toby, who, abruptly leaping up, he knocked his owner down and began paws to push on her chest, performing the canine version of the Heimlich maneuver. "The doctor said that if not for Toby, I would not be alive," said Debbie Parkhurst. Where the dog could learn the Heimlich maneuver, remains a mystery, but it is not so important, because this way he saved the life of his mistress.

1. A parrot saved a two-year girl

Many people don't like parrots due to the fact that they are loud and annoying cry, but sometimes those cries can save lives. When a parrot named Willie, the Quaker saw that the two-year Hanna Kuusk choked on food and started choking, he immediately began to clap wings and yell loudly: "Mommy, baby." The girl's mother and babysitter, Megan Howard at that time was in the bathroom. Upon hearing the alarming screams of a parrot, they hurried to the kitchen, where Hannah had needed help. Willie the Quaker became a local hero, received an award for saving the life from the branch of the organization "Red cross". 


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