Photo of the day ~ Dusky Dolphins playing as we entered the Beagle Channel

As I posted my previous Antarctic Diaries blog, which I believed was everything that was going to be interesting had already happened. I went to the observation deck to relax, listen to some music and simply enjoy the calmer inshore waters that the Beagle Channel offers - I was pleasantly surprised to look up and see a lot of splashes in the distance. I checked with my binoculars and BAM! dolphins playing. I radioed the Expedition Leader and I requested the chief officer turn the vessel if possible to see if we could interact with these animals.

They did not disappoint!!! After about 30 minutes of breaching, bow riding and tail slapping they seemed to be tired of us and left but not before leaving a huge smile on everyone’s faces. What a beautiful surprise from a playful dolphin family to end Day 6 of this Antarctic Expedition. ~


Dusky dolphin breaching in front of the vessel.

Got any questions for me whilst I am working away down in Antarctica??? Feel free to leave some in the comments below and I shall do my best to get to them as soon as I have reliable internet service!!!

Thanks for reading and all the support, Steemit!!

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All stories & photographs are of my own work unless noted under the picture in question.

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