Would you like to be kept in a tiny cage your whole life?

Animals don’t either!
While going back home , after a long busy day , i saw these animals in an animal shop in the cage. they are suffering and they look upset.. they are feeling frustrated, lonely, restricted and depressed 😭😭

I went to talk to the shop owner and he claimed that he has to keep them in their cages for their safety, he said that they may run awat 😢I told him that animals held in a cage are not being able to roam free so they will become depressed for life . i asked him to set these pets free so they can enjoy nature.." If you keep them in cages at all times, these pets will not be able to experience any of the things like they should. By allowing them to step outside once in a while, instead of staying indoor, you will add variety to their life" The man neglected me but i still strongly believe that animals should not be kept in cages & that Pet stores send the message that animals are only worth what we’re willing to pay for them—which, as you know, is NOT OK. As if that weren’t bad enough, every time an animal is purchased from a pet store, an animal in a shelter loses his or her chance at a loving forever home.
If anyone of you have a solution for this and for what should i do to stop this shop owner from being cruel.leave them in comments .
thank you for reading 🌷

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